Tuesday, December 29, 2009

No Period And Increased Cm

meets tasting and a mini

Not much to say ... this small me crazy! you assemble the mini leaves it hard to look safe ... the meet was the toad joe, so I Temátic all with frogs ... you assemble the box with decoupage like caps the mini that are also fibrofacil as the box ...

for all the year next be the best ever!! if problems .... we can solve if we are not displayed .... what smart enough not to look!! we can see the beauty in small things .... we can fulfill our dreams ... and that we encourage to try anything!! those are my wishes to all for this new year!! a big hug for everyone!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Backpack Dora Paatern


You can not focus on that you do not want to join it and not perpetuate that vibration . Away your attention from what is not in harmony with who you are, and your "new vibration" will adjust to who you really are. And then you elevate others.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Can You Vomit A Week In Advance Of A Kidney Stone

As Sutra Mental Health Care, while scrubbing the dishes one should only be washing the dishes, which means that while you do that one must be fully aware of the fact that you're scrubbing. At first glance it may seem a little silly: why put so much concern in something so simple? But that is precisely the issue .. The fact that I am here washing the cups is a wonderful reality. I'm being completely myself, following my breath, aware of my presence and present my thoughts and actions. No way stupidly being tossed to and fro by the waves. Consciousness can not be scattered like foam on the crest of the waves as they crash against the cliffs.

If while we wash the dishes, we are only thinking about the cup of tea that awaits us or anything that belongs to the future, or we are rushing to remove the plates from above and if any discomfort, then we are not "washing the dishes to wash dishes," and what is more, we are not living in time that it took to do so. In fact, we are completely unable to appreciate the miracle of life while we are at the stack. But we can wash dishes, all opportunities will be nor can we enjoy our cup of tea as we drink it we will be thinking about other things, just awakened to the fact the tea cup we have before hand. In this way we will be absorbed in the future and what it really means is that we are unable to live a single memento of our lives.

Ramiro Calle - Getting the miracle of living awake

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pcr Temperature Calculate

recently talked about this idea with a friend, and the definition she gave me helped me both to understand this concept I would love to share:

Consciousness is like the focus of a camera, it expands and contracts ... I can be zooming to a point and just see that point with my camera. Until I find I have more options, I can put it on macro, pan, zoom ... I can change, then I discover that changing the focus, I can change my perception of things, if I put in the same view but together, my vision is broad. If I put the zoom I see small things better but I lose the set.

Thus our conscience when it is collapsed, only see the little things, he sees to detail but places them in a whole, when consciousness expands, then I have a panoramic view.

But that focus is what it is, and with my camera I can not change, I can only change my view.

With expanded awareness understand that we can not change the events of our lives, but to alter the point where he is seen. With this change of perspective we discover that we are not separate, that is no longer just the "I" and experience feelings of unity.

expanded awareness can reach the absolute limits, we can cover up to infinity and feel part of it, reach a full understanding of the universe by a few tenths of a second.
