Friday, November 26, 2010

Levi Roots Stewed Beef

Damn pathetic Comparisons

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Indian Handembroidery

learn ...

After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and learn that love does not mean support, and company does not always mean security. Begin to learn that kisses are not contracts, or gifts are promises ...

learn that with the same severity So judge, also will be tried and eventually convicted.

learn that no matter how many pieces your heart broke, the world does not stop to fix it. Learn that is you who must cultivate his own garden and decorate your soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

begin to accept your defeats with your head up and eyes ahead, with the grace of a woman and not with the sadness of a child and how to build all your ways today, because tomorrow's ground is uncertain for the projects, and the future has a habit of falling into the void.

After a while you learn that the sun burns if you expose too much. Will accept even that good people could ever hurt and need forgiveness.

learn that talking can relieve the pain of soul. Discover that it takes years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it and you too can do things you regret it the rest of life.

learn that new friendships continue to grow despite the distances and that no matter what you have, but who you have in life and good friends are the family that we would choose.

learn that we have to change friends if we are willing to accept that friends change.

discover that often take lightly the people that matter most and that is why we always tell these people that we love because we are never sure when the last time we see them.

learn that the circumstances and environment around us influence us, but we are only responsible for what we do. Begin to learn that we should not compare with others, except when we want to imitate them to improve. Discover

what takes time to become the person you want to be, and that time is short. Learn that no matter where you came, but where you're headed. You learn that you control your actions they will control you and to be flexible does not mean being weak or having no personality, because no matter how delicate and fragile is a situation: there are always two sides. You learn that heroes are the people who did what was necessary to face the consequences. .. Learn that patience requires a lot of practice.

find that sometimes the person you expect to kick you when you fall, it may be one of the few to help you get up. Mature has more to do with what you've learned from experience that with the years lived.

learn that there is more to your parents in you than you think. Learn that you should never tell a child her dreams are nonsense, because few things are more humiliating and would be a tragedy if he believed, because he'll take away hope. Learn that when you feel anger, you are entitled to have it, but that does not give you the right to be cruel.

find that just because someone does not love you the way you want does not mean he does not love you with all you can, because there are people who love us, but do not know how to prove it. .. It is not always enough to be forgiven by someone, sometimes have to learn to forgive yourself.

If anything I learned in life, it puts the lie against one who invents.
Jorge Luis Borges.

read it and thought I'd share with you ... just think big and write with such clarity .... hope you like it.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Epsom Salt Before Waxing


By Gabriel Wüldenmar IRRATIONALITY

The New Age is a movement full of "masters" of both this world and presumably the other. But paradoxically, there are some groups to refuse any doctrinal teaching, or external information, they say that it is enough inside to know everything, they do not want nothing from outside.
is true that within us there is a more sedate me, wise and deep, an opportunity to refocus better the realities of life with greater serenity and detachment. But beware exaggerate the doctrine of inner teacher!. He is also a disciple of life and does not know everything. So is living here embodied, interacting, interacting with the environment and others, experimenting, making mistakes, by drawing on outside information. That is to live and learn, but no sense that we were here experience to others and the environment. Human beings are social beings and draws on external experience with others, his mind is built on information, knowledge and experience, to the extent that there is no human being that only taps into the interior. Otherwise, learning and objectivity would be impossible. Even our body, which is wonderful and works very well, it needs a continuous supply of oxygen and food from outside.
Furthermore, the statement of the ultra-interior view is contradictory in itself: it is true that I only accept what comes from inside me, when someone tells me I should just accept whatever comes from inside me, I reject it because that information I come from another, from the outside, so if I accept, and false statements, and if not accept, evidently, too.
is absurd because that in turns with the pride of our ego, despise help and advice of external knowledge. Instead, seize the opportunity, let's internal and we will have assimilated. Moreover, that in itself was good anchorages adventure await insidious enemy: 1) The darkness that comes from our inner nature unpurified fall (Gen 6.5 and 8.21; Mt 15, 18-19, so we're in a world where there is pain and purification).
2) The seductive and sensual deception of our ego that seeks to accommodate lost and self-centered sensations rather than polished and progress.
3) The action of dark forces to create intelligent links that take advantage of lying and exploitation of energy, eager for a window into our world.
4) The neglect of our commitment to our neighbors and with the need to fight for a fairer world.
5) There is a danger that is up resenting our rationality, objectivity and critical to enter a fantasy world completely irrational and a-critical subjective. Indeed, if the only thing real is what you feel or "know" myself and there can be no contrast to external information, there may be no criteria for what is true or false. Is well blocked any ability to know, objective science and rationality. All this leads to irrational positions
For all this, all the traditions - Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, ... - Truly mystical warn of the need to undertake the inner journey from a firm doctrine, with critical to our psychological experiences and mistrust of the imagination and with less initial advice of an experienced teacher.
But the pseudo-mysticism of these factions ignored all this. If we warn of the dangers react aggressively because of "frighten them." They are like one who wanted to sue "to sow fear among drivers Instead of letting them move freely "to the Department of Transport, for putting so many warning signs, traffic regulations and awareness campaigns. Irrational.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Brisket In The Slow Cooker*dry Rub

Changing paradigms in education

while ago I fed the stock head I wish I saw this video around the world and understood it as I see it (because it is beautiful, not because mine is the only or the best). I guess you could take the next leap in the evolution of the species. We are so little in the world that anxiety to get to see an evolution, grows with each generation. At least that is my impression. They imagine that our way of adapting it to be peaceful. Utopia. The frustrating thing is that sometimes you see that there are people thinking about how and that ideas do have delicious. But the inertia of the few, who want to keep it that way because it is beneficial for them, that wea is killing us slowly, but growing fast too.