Saturday, January 9, 2010

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Many people, groups and people put their hopes on the Copenhagen Summit (December 2009) would achieve an agreement as good as necessary to curb ecological destruction of our world. Their hopes were disappointed. After the summit of politicians and rulers is apparent inability of the "leaders" global capitalism to respond to the ecological problem. These "leaders" demonstrate, to disappoint the expectations of mankind once again, that does not represent anybody, except by the powers in the shade in this system: large firms and corporations who support and finance, and not going to solve the environmental problem or the hunger and inequality, because these powers are responsible for these problems.

If citizens do not represent or work for the common interest, and only know how to spend and pollute more, and to support the powerful responsible for these threats Overall, logically should be removed from office, tried and imprisoned for a crime against humanity before the International Criminal Court. Instead, those jailed for the minions of power and their puppet judges were a group of peaceful demonstrators at the prestigious Greenpeace. They committed the terrible crime to sneak into the party of the rich and powerful with an incisive but friendly banner ("Politicians talk, the leaders decide") inconveniently appeared before the cameras. For having troubled and the Empire of the Beast, were treated in a "disproportionate and unnecessarily cruel" in the Danish prisons. They were released with charges after 21 days incommunicado without access to letters or emails or to make a simple phone call, as if they were "dangerous terrorists", which is what is said now to control independent thinking. If world leaders are working for global business mafia worsening the fate of humanity, nothing happens, if peaceful demonstrators teach a banner, are imprisoned and abused. They are dangerous because they reported the truth that no one wants to hear.

This is a capitalist democracy, which does nothing if you go into a party or palace of the powerful, but if you do it imprisons you to say some uncomfortable truth. Many understood well, and stopped buying Danish products, sent letters or e-mail of protest to the embassies and consulates in Denmark, and to support Greenpeace. But the best thing is confirmed once again that capitalism is incompatible with the solution of ecological problems (as well as hunger, child slavery, injustice and unemployment) and the survival of humanity.

By Gabriel Ortiz


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