Saturday, January 9, 2010

Teacher And Her Student Kissing


When I read this statement on a street sign, with regard to how we treat immigrants in this system and this society, I good note. I did not expect is that within months would experience in my own flesh. The thing was that I accompanied a dear neighbor, African immigrant (honest and hardworking family man), a Malaga magistrate who had said (at the end so nothing serious). The summons did not say that he report to a lawyer but as my friend only speaks very little English and can not read or write (only name), I went to lend a hand with the language. When before the officer asked him what it was, asked me who I was hostility. When I said I was a friend of his told me that I did not have to tell me nothing, leave me and my friend handed him a paper claiming that sign. Naturally, my friend wanted to know what was going to sign - is a perfectly logical right - but because he could not read the paper and handed me I was reading, when the official, visibly angry I wanted to stop to read it. As I pretended to continue reading and asked for "a moment, please," he shouted to call security. Another officer was confronted me and told me to leave or have to call "the security forces."

I, not worse, and because, I confess, I felt intimidated, I left like a coward. There my friend was just in perfect helplessness, not knowing what happened or what I was signing. And I was wondering if this is justice, if love of neighbor, friendship and solidarity are crime and the "prosperous" Europe of the "freedoms."

By Gabriel Ortiz


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