Thursday, October 28, 2010

Alexis Texas & Black Guys

The four band members were playing as if we were one.
passion, honesty and completeness.
An absolute musical paradise. Jimmy Page

It Might Get Loud

Imágen de aquí

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Visitor Driver's License To Resident Ny


THE SECRETS OF THE INFINITE: new evidence metaphysics of God's existence Wüldenmar
by Gabriel Ortiz
materialism tells us not ask ourselves what lies beyond the universe, because the question is meaningless . But the universe is something material and all background material is a cause preceding the effect, so it is lawful to ask for it. What, then, beyond the universe? A) A space-time without end? What is "outside" the universe can not be more space for two reasons: 1) by science, space was created with the material world and destroys it, and 2) the space is, by definition, a place that can be occupied by a body (regardless of whether or not there is now a busy body), an infinite space would be likely to be occupied by an infinite body. However, an infinite body is impossible because the bodies are precisely defined (= "with purpose") defining reality, separating what are what are not. And not only is a human problem of "knowing how to define" but an objective problem, and that whatever There it is in terms of its limits, if any object we think the basics are there boundaries that define and separate from the rest of the surrounding, so all that exists is within limits and there because of them.
B) What is "after / before" the universe can not be an endless time, because 1) according to science, time with the material universe is born and dies with him, and 2) eternal time, by definition, is a moment that can be occupied by an eternal event. However, an eternal event is impossible precisely because the events are defined (= "have limits") defining reality, separating what they are when they occur of when they occur. And not only is a human problem of "knowing how to define" but an objective problem, as any event that happens, happens according to its limits, if we think any one incident, the basics of that happening are the limits that define and separated from the rest of what is happening or could happen, so everything that happens is within limits and there because of them.
C) Is there more than just nothing? No, not possible because nothing can not exist, since by definition it is nothing. If there would be something, would not be nothing, if a huge absolutely empty space, that would be something (space, would in A), if it were an infinitely long infertile and would be something (time, we would be in the case B). Also no sense (or causal - why is there something rather than nothing? - Or structural - why it is, it is? -) That there is nothing, nothing existed in the middle of something (the universe) . If nothing had always existed, nothing there at any time thereafter, since nothing can not get something, nothing can not cause more than anything, is completely infertile by definition.
D) If there can be neither an infinite space (A) or an eternal time (B) or nothing (C), then there must be something, "some to be" infinite and eternal. Infinite does not mean (occupied) a very, very, very ... great, but it is a-space (no space), otherwise we would fall into the impossibility of "A". Eternal does not mean (that exists for) a very, very, very long, but it is a-time (no time), otherwise we would fall into the impossibility of "B".
addition, the dimensionless infinite / eternal is easy to prove. Is the set of natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ... n, to infinity). Is also the set of their squares (1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 ... n 2 to infinity). Although both are infinite sets or series (if you can imagine a larger number or a larger square or square any number given) it is clear that there must be more numbers in the first series in the second because the latter is reserved for the squares and the first supports any number. Infinity we would have a bigger than another infinity, which is absurd because all infinity is as infinite as any infinite and, moreover, can not exist only because if there were an infinite number of none would be infinite because each one would limit the others. This implies that the concepts of "greater" or "minor" and the same are not applicable when it comes to infinity, as centuries later confirm the mathematical Georg Cantor. Knowing
, Cantor explains that there are infinite points in a segment (points without dimension and therefore size) concludes that in a segment have the same number of points in another but differ in length, since, as can demonstrated geometrically, each point of a segment is a point-image in the other, however much they differ in length, which proves that both have the same number of points. If any segment of infinite points, we construct a square, it is shown that this latter figure is also infinite points, as in any of the segments that form its sides. If the 2D to 3D and we build a cube, it is exactly as it appears that it also contains the same number of points, infinite. Therefore appear that a segment, however small, there are many points as the entire universe. Inside the infinitely small is infinitely large. Thus
infinite / eternal is dimensionless. If what is "beyond" the universe is a-spatial and a-temporal, is "dimensionless" and therefore must necessarily be immaterial, spiritual, relationship or meaning simply because everything material is necessarily space-time can not dimensionless be something that is at once material. In fact, if either A or B can not be material and it can not be C can not be non-existent therefore be a being exístete but infinite and eternal. That is immaterial, eternal and infinite, it would be smart to be due cause for the universe, is what we call God. However
the infinite / eternal is there objectively or is the result of human thought in denying the idea of \u200b\u200b"limit", obtained by abstraction from the observation of bodies and events? The infinite / eternal is what never ends nowhere, mathematics (numbers, values \u200b\u200bcloser to limits, etc.) And geometry (definition of straight or parallel lines of symmetry of a circle or sphere, quadrature circle impossible to achieve unless with a polygon of infinite sides, etc..) are the best evidence that exists. Mathematically defined as the value greater than any assignable quantity or big it is imaginable. That means, in practice, you may already own and would never end because there is always a larger number to anyone imagined possible. But we can not verify that since there is no human life or lives of all mankind or length of the entire universe that are large enough to prove it by counting to infinity, so we have to believe it and that's it. No need someone to do it, just know that you can do. Anyone can do (show) a thing does not mean it can not exist and should exist.
But it is something more than mere belief, it is a mathematical truth clearly and distinctly that one can always imagine a number greater than anyone else no matter how great the latter, since we know that however great a number we can always add a larger, no matter what anyone does. If we can not because there is not but because from our finitude could not do or achieve, but there necessarily. Saying that there is infinite (infinite) simply because it can (potentially infinite) and necessarily (infinite sound) exist, is therefore accept that infinity is something that exists objectively, ie independently of us. At that level, the three infinite types are identified, and that is what we call God. This has important consequences
1) Here is something undoubtedly true but not provable, verifiable by experience, which dismantled and left in the wrong place materialistic positivism. 2) This justifies the leap from the ideal of what exists in reality that makes the ontological argument for the existence of God. 3) It supports Gödel's theorem on the necessary existence of the unprovable in any system. 4) The argument points to the existence of God as transcendent to the universe, leaving in the wrong approaches and new age pantheist. 5) This is a new argument for the existence of God, hitherto unknown in philosophy.
Wüldenmar Gabriel Ortiz.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Diagram Of An Oil Tanker With Parts Named

something to think I'm happy !!!!!

hi !!!!! I am very happy because I won the last two challenges that involved !!!!!! I'm anxious to get all this stuff !!!!! now invite you to a blog candy for mireia Carbonel a superstar !!!!! and also writes that it is a pleasure to read your blog!! I hope soon to publish a few things that I have hanging around ..... kisses

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Masterbates In The Park

It Might Get Loud

"If people feel that energy solutions are imposed on them, for instance a new wind farm or nuclear power plant, they are more likely to object. My research has highlighted the importance of involving local communities in decision-making, thereby tailoring solutions to fit a specific community or area. In the case of wind farms, the benefits can leave the community, particularly if the electricity generated goes to the national grid. But by involving host communities in the decisions that affect them, facility siting becomes a much fairer and democratic process."

No sé... me falla el inglés tal vez, pero al I read this in a scientific way (from a research group here) to say: if to convince the profitability (read money) project, we will do it smoothly.

amazing thing is that it puts the same level a farm of wind turbines and nuclear power plant.


"local Addressing Opposition in the context of facility siting is only half of the story. In Many Communities There exists a host Silent Majority Who are Either Supportive of, or indifferent to Proposed Installations; However, it is the That minority Vociferous exerted tendon to the Biggest Impact on planning decisions. "

This suggests that most (And blending two groups, eye) is for or indifferent. Many indifferent (read ignorant of the impacts) will be compared to those who are in favor (ie those who see a possible benefit).

is to reduce the problem of a project only to nearby communities, but it ignores the fact that today we can no longer speak of isolated communities. Then, the benefits must be for all, otherwise how to convince many people.

is incredible that money is spent to find ways to convince others that you're right (read benefit) and not invested in what ... I do not know, a better world for all and not for the few. It's almost like denigrate the majority of the inhabitants of the planet to mere extras that play a role in your big and important story. What kind of blind selfishness can lead to this?

course every day is easy to ignore the side, but when that is extrapolated to the rest of the world without further questioning ... Maybe it's part of ourselves which is reflected in everything around us, but I have the hope of ever seeing a more hopeful course for our species.

Perhaps it's just a matter of my mood these days to see everything so black?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pro's And Con's Of Selling Organs

WWW in October 2010 for all inhabitants of the planet

The world is moving too slow for our imagination. There are revolutions que toman generaciones.

Miren esto .

Celebrations Bounty Sweet Calories

Cobain 's letter reads: "Dear Empty TV, the entity of all corporate gods. We will survive without you easily. The old-school is going down fast. My life's dedication is now to do nothing but slag something. Kurdt Kobaineee , professional rock musician."

Fuente: Esta

Foto: de acá

Monday, October 4, 2010

Does My Dog Have Skin Cancer

Kurt Cobain "Chile is the country reveals that pure competition does not improve education"

Entrevista de La Tercera Miguel Urquiola , Academic Department. of Economics, U. Columbia, one of the most respected experts in education and get deeper into the Chilean system. In 2002, together with Chang-Tai Hsieh, published a study concluding that the subsidy scheme introduced in Chile in the 80, did not bring the expected effects on quality. Invited to the country by the U. Chile and UC, in this interview shred recent measures in education.

In one of his studies, notes that the introduction of the voucher system in Chile did not produce quality. Why?

Chile has created a system that, according to the typical economic recipe is ideal: pure competition. But in a recent study show that education is a different and complex sector. For example, if I open a sandwich shop, a consumer can easily tell if the sandwich I sell is good or bad. In education, it is difficult to distinguish the product of a school in the composition of their consumers. The reputation of a school depends on who your customers. When this this is so, schools can build a good reputation based on selectivity, and decreases the impact of competition.

How are schools to create more value added?

should be less selective. Sweden has a grant system similar to Chile but their schools should select pupils by lottery. In the U.S., publicly funded schools can not select. In Chile, schools find it easy to choose from, which leads them to base their reputations on who their students on how well they teach. Do you lack


In Chile, as in other countries, lack the efforts of two sides: students and their parents, and schools. These are efforts to attract good students, but not necessarily to teach more. The challenge is to explore how to make schools and students have to work hard. And Chile has not found a way to do one or the other.
How can
encourage student effort?

debiesen use is more tests at the individual level. For example, take the score to have a result Simce individually. PSU also further refined. The only way for students to strive is to perceive that their performance is important.

How to solve the high segregation of the country?

is very difficult. It could limit or implement explicit selection lottery and limit the ability of colleges to choose their pupils by the prices charged to attorneys and exams. Almost anywhere, it is difficult to decrease the selection, because it affects the legitimate interests of many people.

Other measures the government will be the increase in Simce test. More measurements require the system to improve?

Better information is usually better, although not always generate the expected consequences.

In this regard, how do you evaluate the extent of sending parents a school primer with red, yellow and green?

I think parents are interested in these maps. But the light does not say anything about how effective are the schools. One of the problems of the education system in Chile is that culture is like the light: which school is good and what is bad is almost determined by the socio-economic, and that reduces the effectiveness of competition. That is the paradox of Chile: strong competition was inserted without generating more added value.

"This culture existed before the maps?

do not think the ministry, to produce these maps, and invent something new. The culture of the semaphore already existed: it was the Simce and we knew that socioeconomic characteristics are closely related to performance. The maps are not surprising information to anyone. Post maps does not improve education or creates pressure to raise the efficiency of the system. On the contrary, it reinforces the culture that says the company is good to have good shoppers.

You mean we have over 20 years in the culture of light?

Yes, like 30 years. Education is a sector that has a natural tendency to stratification, and explain, for example, the rankings.

Any other country has done so much for education reform?

Many countries have increased spending as Chile. But where Chile is only to introduce more market reforms many with so few results and even more adverse effects such as stratification. And is the country that shows that competition alone does not improve education.

His vision of the high schools of excellence
The creation of 25 high schools of excellence Can have an impact on the quality of the system?

The downside of this initiative is to deepen the selection, so do not think it has an impact on the average productivity of the system. These schools will have good results almost by definition, but I think it creates pressure to achieve high added value. Furthermore, students can choose to stigmatize those who are left behind.

And enter these schools could be an incentive for students?

That is the good side: they can be an incentive for children to strive to enter the country. But are not the panacea. A more interesting is, after selecting students who will to these schools (for merit and drawing) randomized. Then, see who does it better.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Have Changed My Pc Sid And

so cute that day!

thinking about the title ... I realized that may not have something specific to tell ... just that ... so cute that day!! Why? because it was the birthday and was very nice, today was a beautiful day, the sun shone, rested, and now I'm going to eat sushi that I love ... what else I can ask? here are some photos of two challenges ... this I did for the challenge of scrapideas Marcia has a beautiful prize!! and has some very nice!!

and as always son we are doing things ... and they also want!! francisco that's how my 7 year old son did this thing, I gave the FORMIT and was accommodating ... wrote his journaling .... and not corrected the mistakes so that is what comes out of his heart without censorship. It was also mihija .. but put it on your blog and alone .... I love watching them grow their memories and expressing what they feel ...

This What I did for another challenge ... that of girls Gigly and Patri scrapattacks doing wonderful things and propose these challenges are always an encouragement!!

well I hope you like it! I show you stuff the next Birthday!! that estuvo buenisimo!!!