Sunday, October 24, 2010

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THE SECRETS OF THE INFINITE: new evidence metaphysics of God's existence Wüldenmar
by Gabriel Ortiz
materialism tells us not ask ourselves what lies beyond the universe, because the question is meaningless . But the universe is something material and all background material is a cause preceding the effect, so it is lawful to ask for it. What, then, beyond the universe? A) A space-time without end? What is "outside" the universe can not be more space for two reasons: 1) by science, space was created with the material world and destroys it, and 2) the space is, by definition, a place that can be occupied by a body (regardless of whether or not there is now a busy body), an infinite space would be likely to be occupied by an infinite body. However, an infinite body is impossible because the bodies are precisely defined (= "with purpose") defining reality, separating what are what are not. And not only is a human problem of "knowing how to define" but an objective problem, and that whatever There it is in terms of its limits, if any object we think the basics are there boundaries that define and separate from the rest of the surrounding, so all that exists is within limits and there because of them.
B) What is "after / before" the universe can not be an endless time, because 1) according to science, time with the material universe is born and dies with him, and 2) eternal time, by definition, is a moment that can be occupied by an eternal event. However, an eternal event is impossible precisely because the events are defined (= "have limits") defining reality, separating what they are when they occur of when they occur. And not only is a human problem of "knowing how to define" but an objective problem, as any event that happens, happens according to its limits, if we think any one incident, the basics of that happening are the limits that define and separated from the rest of what is happening or could happen, so everything that happens is within limits and there because of them.
C) Is there more than just nothing? No, not possible because nothing can not exist, since by definition it is nothing. If there would be something, would not be nothing, if a huge absolutely empty space, that would be something (space, would in A), if it were an infinitely long infertile and would be something (time, we would be in the case B). Also no sense (or causal - why is there something rather than nothing? - Or structural - why it is, it is? -) That there is nothing, nothing existed in the middle of something (the universe) . If nothing had always existed, nothing there at any time thereafter, since nothing can not get something, nothing can not cause more than anything, is completely infertile by definition.
D) If there can be neither an infinite space (A) or an eternal time (B) or nothing (C), then there must be something, "some to be" infinite and eternal. Infinite does not mean (occupied) a very, very, very ... great, but it is a-space (no space), otherwise we would fall into the impossibility of "A". Eternal does not mean (that exists for) a very, very, very long, but it is a-time (no time), otherwise we would fall into the impossibility of "B".
addition, the dimensionless infinite / eternal is easy to prove. Is the set of natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ... n, to infinity). Is also the set of their squares (1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 ... n 2 to infinity). Although both are infinite sets or series (if you can imagine a larger number or a larger square or square any number given) it is clear that there must be more numbers in the first series in the second because the latter is reserved for the squares and the first supports any number. Infinity we would have a bigger than another infinity, which is absurd because all infinity is as infinite as any infinite and, moreover, can not exist only because if there were an infinite number of none would be infinite because each one would limit the others. This implies that the concepts of "greater" or "minor" and the same are not applicable when it comes to infinity, as centuries later confirm the mathematical Georg Cantor. Knowing
, Cantor explains that there are infinite points in a segment (points without dimension and therefore size) concludes that in a segment have the same number of points in another but differ in length, since, as can demonstrated geometrically, each point of a segment is a point-image in the other, however much they differ in length, which proves that both have the same number of points. If any segment of infinite points, we construct a square, it is shown that this latter figure is also infinite points, as in any of the segments that form its sides. If the 2D to 3D and we build a cube, it is exactly as it appears that it also contains the same number of points, infinite. Therefore appear that a segment, however small, there are many points as the entire universe. Inside the infinitely small is infinitely large. Thus
infinite / eternal is dimensionless. If what is "beyond" the universe is a-spatial and a-temporal, is "dimensionless" and therefore must necessarily be immaterial, spiritual, relationship or meaning simply because everything material is necessarily space-time can not dimensionless be something that is at once material. In fact, if either A or B can not be material and it can not be C can not be non-existent therefore be a being exístete but infinite and eternal. That is immaterial, eternal and infinite, it would be smart to be due cause for the universe, is what we call God. However
the infinite / eternal is there objectively or is the result of human thought in denying the idea of \u200b\u200b"limit", obtained by abstraction from the observation of bodies and events? The infinite / eternal is what never ends nowhere, mathematics (numbers, values \u200b\u200bcloser to limits, etc.) And geometry (definition of straight or parallel lines of symmetry of a circle or sphere, quadrature circle impossible to achieve unless with a polygon of infinite sides, etc..) are the best evidence that exists. Mathematically defined as the value greater than any assignable quantity or big it is imaginable. That means, in practice, you may already own and would never end because there is always a larger number to anyone imagined possible. But we can not verify that since there is no human life or lives of all mankind or length of the entire universe that are large enough to prove it by counting to infinity, so we have to believe it and that's it. No need someone to do it, just know that you can do. Anyone can do (show) a thing does not mean it can not exist and should exist.
But it is something more than mere belief, it is a mathematical truth clearly and distinctly that one can always imagine a number greater than anyone else no matter how great the latter, since we know that however great a number we can always add a larger, no matter what anyone does. If we can not because there is not but because from our finitude could not do or achieve, but there necessarily. Saying that there is infinite (infinite) simply because it can (potentially infinite) and necessarily (infinite sound) exist, is therefore accept that infinity is something that exists objectively, ie independently of us. At that level, the three infinite types are identified, and that is what we call God. This has important consequences
1) Here is something undoubtedly true but not provable, verifiable by experience, which dismantled and left in the wrong place materialistic positivism. 2) This justifies the leap from the ideal of what exists in reality that makes the ontological argument for the existence of God. 3) It supports Gödel's theorem on the necessary existence of the unprovable in any system. 4) The argument points to the existence of God as transcendent to the universe, leaving in the wrong approaches and new age pantheist. 5) This is a new argument for the existence of God, hitherto unknown in philosophy.
Wüldenmar Gabriel Ortiz.


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