Monday, June 28, 2010

Macromastia-black Women

How companies abuse. (III: The Odyssey unsubscribe)
With this release we finished collecting the complaint about alleged irregularities in CATSA (Digital Plus, Sogecable). Read, read, astounding:
"To make matters worse, the campaign takes a much later time to the maximum deadline is asking the customer to call down. While asking customers to call down, it is not handled as if you are cut off even in the final moment when it was more than clear the willingness of the customer. Even if it manages to be low, often forget that not enough to remove the software package but also the form theme, that he will continue to charge to his surprise. Sometimes, the company is one that owes money to customers but then everything is different. When the company comes do not issue invoices, but to pay something incorrectly charge require all kinds of paper and certificates. After the promotions, not only called to warn them but they charge after the promotion and threatening him to pay. Do not allow customers fictitious debts, unless the person claiming account and not pay them. Promoted
Customers are divided into pro-active and reactive. For the proactive are told that they sent a letter telling them they are in a benefits plan, and debt charges. An octogenarian grandmother said "I thought it was a gift." The reagents were included directly in the benefits plan called asking if low. They indicate that your gift ended just last month after bills are issued. The company was not in contact with them, but anyway, they are charged. 50-100% remission of debt commits them to stay one more year with the company. But this commitment into reality, but legally there are led to believe by our customers themselves. Passed the first initial commitment of permanence of the contract, there is no further obligation and less verbal. But they do think so. If you know it's a lie, could have the debt forgiven and then be quietly dropped.
In short, not only charged them a call and receipts but often get no opt-out and if they refuse to continue paying will become delinquent. Then it's over politely. For clients "normal" there are all kinds of label and cringing submission. To those who called for debt, there is a lot more license to talk in any terms. There is therefore no respect for people but the money they can get. Inform client how to unsubscribe (providing alternatives such as fax, phone and e-mail - the law requires them to offer a free medium of contact and therefore have no choice but to have it -) is considered "Encourage low" and expelling the worker is paid (also on Movistar). It is curious that, during a promotion, customers are speaking with an operator and still must pay to a 902 call to file any claim or to opt for a cheaper package, tasks that could be handled without any problem that operator in that very moment but it is forbidden. Not so in the case of discharging someone or turn up to a more expensive programming package, you have to let them at that time. It is said that customers 902 numbers is the cost of a national call, and is actually more expensive, often spends one in your what economic recovery on the claim. To activate the card, which they have not asked and only benefit the company, should call a toll free number, which is that it is not.
Those who after much prodding get low, have not yet completed their headaches. Still have to endure months of hype and offers no return to the set-top device. Say they will call to collect the decoder and often do not and will reach the client a fee of 300 euros to retain the equipment and 300 more in fines. And yet there is no record of that call to tell you where to deliver the equipment occurred. They are forced to return even if no dealers and have to travel dozens of miles to dispose of the device, because nowhere is it willing to accept. Anyway, of course, that the case of single persons and elderly or sick.
precisely the decoder quality is very low, given repeated innumerable problems, and must be changed constantly paying each time the technician's travel, thus earning the company. Customers are sold a new decoder - the purchase, often, it is agreed to terms but take the cash - which happens to be owned by the client (although it has many failures) and they removed the old cable box rental. Since it is not nothing but rent is paid (and very expensive) for a unit owned, should lower the monthly fee to rent equipment failure, but not only did the monthly low but rises between 3 and 12 euros for a variety of services, however, are sold as intrinsic characteristics of the product that is purchased. The bond that once placed they are made without consulting them in money at the box office but when they go to use it has expired, it should not to be a deposit. Likewise, the drive is rented but if it breaks, the customer has to buy one to your account. The truth is that not enough for rent and what you pay for the programming, which is not enough, because they are charged for everything. For a movie or a game not only have to pay but it costs them over the phone call and one euro to the management (even if free, a promotion will cost the euro and the call, which are not told). The magazine, which is useless to phone-TV and is almost all advertising, is charged to the customer in mind. In fact, despite being a TV advertised payment and that, therefore, be free of ads, have grown increasingly more and more ads.
The new decoders are offered as high performance. It tells the operator that promise benefits (such as an expensive HDMI cable that has occurred as a selling point by the supreme leader) and then, after a long time, and protests from customers, teams are not actually that cable. The cable promised and then not included and which allegedly cost U.S. 50-100 may be purchased for 13. It also promised 160 GB and 45 pages is that you can only record 12, the rest is occupied by programs of the company, which has far less capacity than promised more than 80 hours without being paid to digital TV payment, the device is useless. Hide solution to customers after having told all the campaign as a selling point. Angry customers try to return your computer (though they have that right, they are hindered) and as incentives for workers are "installed equipment", it appears that this is misleading customers and employees themselves. You can read about "internal instructions" of the company that the client "if you want to try to stop him returning the product saying it is a sale and you can not return under any circumstances. If you insist, we will study it and you will contact us (against the law entitles consumers to return the bought within a month). "

Liver Problems And Geographic Tonuge

How abusing the companies (II: consumer deception)
continue to read the juicy complaint posted on the Internet on CATSA (Digital Plus, Sogecable), it is priceless:
"Now for the fate of consumers who agree to be customers of the company contracting their pay TV services. It is notable that the agreement between the consumer and the company can vary like it arbitrarily. One hires a package of TV channels at a certain price, but after a while, though many have been attracted by these channels, the company - which considers what channels are the favorites of people - some of them removed despite being recruited that package. It does so unilaterally (without consulting the customers) for one, already accustomed to the consumer, contract programming packages ever larger and more expensive. A change is often up to twice your favorite channels customers agreed to a package more expensive, without removing them. Made false promises of programming on all foreign clients (Romanian, Latin) with channels or programs that then can not see. The publicity
allegedly mislead consumers because they say they can see complete such a series of sporting events for a small fee for that product, but to see it actually have to buy another product after a more expensive package or paying separate each sporting event in additional ticket at a good price. The company is hiding behind that originally sold the product is not just a product but a generic name. It is played by advertising with the concepts for allegedly deceiving the people.
Employees often with the complicity of the personal greed of them (are encouraged), receive the slogan to sell at any price. The truth is that it encourages the sale and not to deceive anyone check to the customer or you are warned, if you have results, it is sufficient. It so happens that do not respect the death of a person (leave aside that the owner has died recently and try to sell to their relatives), are discharged without authorization, etc. Often the argumentation used tricks like pride or ego swell of potential customers ("you are a very important customer for us", "quality and customer value," you have been chosen "... when he tells everyone) , say that something is exclusive and limited time and cover up their offerings as gifts that allegedly did not pay absolutely nothing, to clarify that not everything is free. That's the worst: our promotions. If a client accepts is lost. Some are by letter and are extremely unfair. The letters refer to the promotions as customer made without consulting with the excuse that they are free. Indicated indirectly by failing to run, which are sine-die, and it turns out their maturity, after which you begin to collect.
They tell customers before the end of your gift (promoted free period) the firm will call you to decide whether to continue or not, before starting to charge. But many times they do not and the next news they have is that they start to pass bills that are going to claim. They also say that at the time of the call may be low but not so, but, if there is such contact, if they want to promote then be offered (with the lure of free package will go up to a phased before every new gift, will have to start paying after three months, which the arguments of the campaign carefully hidden), they have a 902 call where they charge a lot for the call and let them entertain and waiting and hang at the end (these instructions are received from their bosses allegedly employees of Customer Service) until you get bored of the difficulties they go through to unsubscribe.
Many clients who are discharged after accepting the promotion, they argue that "never gave my approval for me to activate my contract, only accepted a gift I offered, but nobody said it would involve the activation of my contract, in fact I have removed all the installation from the month of ... "," yes, I remember they called me to offer that, but I made it very clear that will not accept it clearly said no. " "I never accepted any promotion, unaware that he was high." Also listed are high as "accept the promotion" cases such as these: "if they called me and told me that they had on the free signal, but I have made clear that although the signal was not going to connect the device" "you said that day that I accepted, my mother was watching , so I'm sure I could not accept anything, nor any family member since I live alone, "" at all times said no to all calls, and the proof is that I was given the decoder device so I could not accept anything " (and actually recorded in the databases of the company had already delivered the decoder, etc.). Others are led to believe that the gift is to restore the original programming they have and not a below, provided they accept. Due to insistent
and tremendous customer protests, a collection of these campaigns came to order the operators might say that the contract should be reactivated to accept the gift, but sales dropped so that he reconvened the operators say they could not say anything like that. The only possibility that does not begin to pass bills to customers is that they give low before a given day. Of course, the arguments of the campaign that gives operators says nothing of this, it says to be called before this date to generate receipts are not, nor is it mentioned that the promotion gift and are just going start receivable. That's telling them to ask the lower (and much more to say to be before that date or give them free alternative means of contact), go with the honesty of each operator, because none of this appears in the official content, which company, if it were, the next news that customers would accept and not accept, would be a good receipt. If clients say they do not want to continue, not told to call because they will start charging only regret their decision and farewell, not told they will have to start paying after that date or just your gift or promotion. Therefore, let them continue to believe that low and they were not reactivated any contract. And in the best case, the customer, if realized, will have to call for dropping the 902 ... where to start a new ordeal for him. "
(To be continued ..)

How Much Does Dkny Perfume Cos?

How companies abuse (I: the plight of the worker)
Where is the honesty?. The greed killed. Universal dictatorship firms are not only cooked at the highest level international meetings secret. Start with small examples of impunity in the day. Take, for example, the complaint posted on the Internet (excerpt):
"A friend of absolute trust whose name can not revealing as it was forced to sign a confidentiality agreement with all sorts of legal threats if you disclose what you know, we were informed of what's happening in the enterprise Cats Emporium dealership Sogecable (Digital Plus), which holds the dubious record lost lawsuits to complaints lodged by workers. His alleged corruptions and deceptions affect all sectors as it relates: workers and consumers. "It's an environment of greed and deceit that brings out the worst of you," said our friend.
Let's start the story, again according to our source, which allegedly happens to the workers. Hire workers to work non-commercial (post-intervention surveys) the contract says so, and are promised they will not do commercial work, but this was absolutely fails to take advantage of the fear and job insecurity. The company thrives on temporary contracts of the ETT (1 to 3 months), contracts with no warranty whatsoever, with total uncertainty that neither ETTs or company no one seems to know nothing. At all times the possibility of immediate dismissal without justification, explanation or compensation (just the card does not enter the gate).
Add to that test that included periods of one and a half concealing abusive completely free dismissal, wrongful dismissal without notice, without face and without explanation or due to illness during the period test even though it has witnessed the medical service and although the disease is clear and the service provider will advise and permits. In contrast, if one leaves the job should be reported to a week in advance or otherwise take away a whole week's salary. A common technique is to compliment dismissal one day the worker and the next day, without warning, is that you call from a temp agency to tell it not return to work. Often ETTs
make them sign the voluntary resignation if I want to be called for other temporary work, and insecurity and the need to do the rest. At this company ready layoffs are continuing because it receives 200 euros of public funds for each student to take their training courses, of which 70 euros must be paid to students if it passes the test period. The result is that he arbitrarily dismissed before the end of this period so that the company earns the full $ 200 and can call and getting new recruits $ 200 new each time. So public money encourages rapid and arbitrary dismissal, employment-litter or precarious employment, exploitation by ETTs. We all pay to exercise a constitutional right to work and at the same time, promoting the strike. Moreover, government support these companies ceding healthcare campaigns directly or tax agency.
Some few, manage to stay in business, but they are not at all safe. They have "garbage contracts" in which, for example, until 2 years they can take by getting ill. Workers do not have foot rest even when they are ill and need support. If documented justified because missing work are not paid those three days, which, however, other social security paid to the company so that they do not stay three days without pay. That he seized the workers and the State under the pretext that the agreement provided for ETT as well. If you want to take the elevator without a certified disease (for example, are occasionally wrong) are reprimanded.
incentives are another story. For lack of a day one of the companions, the other workers who are under the same coordinator (and him) will take away some of the incentives (although the work of each are completely different and independent of the other folks.) The idea is that the comrades fight and push each other and make bad environment partner to become ill and miss. If a worker gets sick two days, although their performance is excellent and productive the rest of the month, you lose all the incentives that period. Incentives are not given week if one day reach the minimum daily, although the remaining days of the week they make (and often do not do so because the same company calls them to fail training or computers, etc.). There is no way to check if the worker gets paid what incentive is the right thing by the way, no question.
In general, the worker should be reviewing their salary each month as the company or ETT lose no opportunity to stop paying a supplement, the CPI rise, overtime or at night, etc. If you do not walk up and claim it, you lose. Moreover, although bearing years with the company they can take at any time under the excuse of "you're not competitive" ("take many years to realize?). The sequence is always the same, they are working and coordinating told to collect their things and follow them, dismiss them without even saying goodbye to his companions. They are often extorted to sign the voluntary resignation under the threat of giving, otherwise future bad references on them, they must do so at the time, not allowed to consult with their legal representatives or advisors prior to entering into any .
of the Human Resources section (often "Inhuman" judging by how the new workers are inserting fear) is announced to workers who are going to record their conversations with customers, purportedly to quality management, but the fact is that they are notified customers that they are being recorded or their right to access and remove these recordings, as is required by the Data Protection Act. An employee requesting clarification from Human Resources but is denied sending mail to that address. Consult your immediate supervisor (coordinator) who tells him that the record is a blip and that when it is not already notified the customers, which is tantamount to saying nothing because time or not, the case is that they record without warning, in violation of the law. Repeated consultations of the worker to a maximum level, they say that when a customer calls the company to miss a message header indicating that the conversation may be recorded. If so, why has warned customers in other campaigns (always companies) that they be recorded? Furthermore, these alleged messages when customers call jump but not when the company is the one who calls (section Emissions), which is where the clarification requested. Therefore, allegedly violated the Data Protection Act, is recorded by our customers without their consent. "
(To be continued ..)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Swot- Listerine Pocket Packs

not always see everything around us ... and sometimes we see it as something else ... and rarely have the senses awake and inner peace, and we see and smell and feel and hear and taste ... something else. It is when we realize that small things are magical and unique ... and when we appreciate the time and feel full ... So I spend the long weekend we went on a trip to Sierra de la Ventana, a beautiful place and if we add to this walk is paradise. There I saw this page full of color, as in between showing off a million of matching ... caught my attention ... and here ... I hope you like it ... and thank you for such lovely messages than about the distances and makes us feel together in this strange world of the web !!!!! Happy Saturday night !!!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hair Waxingrochester, Ny


I've always been a good friend of the English Jewish community, I went to Hebrew school, I talked about Kabbalah religion with the rabbis, I covered my head to enter the synagogues of at least two countries. Do not lose sight of my Master, Jesus of Nazareth was a native of that people, not forgetting the suffering that has happened.
Therefore, first and foremost for the inalienable dignity of human life, behold with indignation and grief how the Israeli army - already known for his "courage" when using all its sophisticated technology and weaponry against women overwhelming children and elderly - is now devoted to the "heroic efforts" of massacring peace and cooperating. Abused and, once again the arrogance that has historically given refuge under the skirts U.S. to laugh at the pleasure of the international community, to mock the UN resolutions and always escape sanctions. These same resolutions and sanctions, are strictly applied to other countries, have serious economic consequences, diplomatic and military, but Israel is only impunity.
However, the fact is unprecedented. The night of 25-26 December 1991, the Ibn Khaldoun boat carrying a shipment to Iraq of food and medicines for children suffering from the U.S. blockade. On board were 242 women, mostly Arabs and American but also European. The load had picked up the League of Arab Women and humanitarian associations. The ship sailed from Algiers on 6 December. 26, at 4 am, 18 American warships forced to stop the freighter. Confident that they do not would be hurt by the Geneva Convention, left the bridge. The 400 marines boarded, broke the camera and beat and raped many of them, including two Americans accused of Arabs. At 7 am they left after destroying the cell and to seize all the charts. The ship was fixed 9 days. This was silenced by the Western media, despite having all the ingredients to make great stories. It systematically hid any shocking aspect of the episode. Never judged anyone. Hopefully this time is different. Gabriel Ortiz