Monday, June 28, 2010

Liver Problems And Geographic Tonuge

How abusing the companies (II: consumer deception)
continue to read the juicy complaint posted on the Internet on CATSA (Digital Plus, Sogecable), it is priceless:
"Now for the fate of consumers who agree to be customers of the company contracting their pay TV services. It is notable that the agreement between the consumer and the company can vary like it arbitrarily. One hires a package of TV channels at a certain price, but after a while, though many have been attracted by these channels, the company - which considers what channels are the favorites of people - some of them removed despite being recruited that package. It does so unilaterally (without consulting the customers) for one, already accustomed to the consumer, contract programming packages ever larger and more expensive. A change is often up to twice your favorite channels customers agreed to a package more expensive, without removing them. Made false promises of programming on all foreign clients (Romanian, Latin) with channels or programs that then can not see. The publicity
allegedly mislead consumers because they say they can see complete such a series of sporting events for a small fee for that product, but to see it actually have to buy another product after a more expensive package or paying separate each sporting event in additional ticket at a good price. The company is hiding behind that originally sold the product is not just a product but a generic name. It is played by advertising with the concepts for allegedly deceiving the people.
Employees often with the complicity of the personal greed of them (are encouraged), receive the slogan to sell at any price. The truth is that it encourages the sale and not to deceive anyone check to the customer or you are warned, if you have results, it is sufficient. It so happens that do not respect the death of a person (leave aside that the owner has died recently and try to sell to their relatives), are discharged without authorization, etc. Often the argumentation used tricks like pride or ego swell of potential customers ("you are a very important customer for us", "quality and customer value," you have been chosen "... when he tells everyone) , say that something is exclusive and limited time and cover up their offerings as gifts that allegedly did not pay absolutely nothing, to clarify that not everything is free. That's the worst: our promotions. If a client accepts is lost. Some are by letter and are extremely unfair. The letters refer to the promotions as customer made without consulting with the excuse that they are free. Indicated indirectly by failing to run, which are sine-die, and it turns out their maturity, after which you begin to collect.
They tell customers before the end of your gift (promoted free period) the firm will call you to decide whether to continue or not, before starting to charge. But many times they do not and the next news they have is that they start to pass bills that are going to claim. They also say that at the time of the call may be low but not so, but, if there is such contact, if they want to promote then be offered (with the lure of free package will go up to a phased before every new gift, will have to start paying after three months, which the arguments of the campaign carefully hidden), they have a 902 call where they charge a lot for the call and let them entertain and waiting and hang at the end (these instructions are received from their bosses allegedly employees of Customer Service) until you get bored of the difficulties they go through to unsubscribe.
Many clients who are discharged after accepting the promotion, they argue that "never gave my approval for me to activate my contract, only accepted a gift I offered, but nobody said it would involve the activation of my contract, in fact I have removed all the installation from the month of ... "," yes, I remember they called me to offer that, but I made it very clear that will not accept it clearly said no. " "I never accepted any promotion, unaware that he was high." Also listed are high as "accept the promotion" cases such as these: "if they called me and told me that they had on the free signal, but I have made clear that although the signal was not going to connect the device" "you said that day that I accepted, my mother was watching , so I'm sure I could not accept anything, nor any family member since I live alone, "" at all times said no to all calls, and the proof is that I was given the decoder device so I could not accept anything " (and actually recorded in the databases of the company had already delivered the decoder, etc.). Others are led to believe that the gift is to restore the original programming they have and not a below, provided they accept. Due to insistent
and tremendous customer protests, a collection of these campaigns came to order the operators might say that the contract should be reactivated to accept the gift, but sales dropped so that he reconvened the operators say they could not say anything like that. The only possibility that does not begin to pass bills to customers is that they give low before a given day. Of course, the arguments of the campaign that gives operators says nothing of this, it says to be called before this date to generate receipts are not, nor is it mentioned that the promotion gift and are just going start receivable. That's telling them to ask the lower (and much more to say to be before that date or give them free alternative means of contact), go with the honesty of each operator, because none of this appears in the official content, which company, if it were, the next news that customers would accept and not accept, would be a good receipt. If clients say they do not want to continue, not told to call because they will start charging only regret their decision and farewell, not told they will have to start paying after that date or just your gift or promotion. Therefore, let them continue to believe that low and they were not reactivated any contract. And in the best case, the customer, if realized, will have to call for dropping the 902 ... where to start a new ordeal for him. "
(To be continued ..)


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