Friday, August 27, 2010

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Punta de Choros, Society and Latin Bitman

definitely what happened with the case of power plant of Barrancones is historic in more ways than one. You can get many lessons from what happened. However I want to hold on the government's decision to create "a committee composed of National Property, Environment, Energy and Mining (...) to define a" macro-zoning "of the country and give the President" (Source ) .

is clear that this is the right way if we want to preserve places of high biodiversity value not only natural, but tourism value, and that if Chile wants to leap from the minor leagues to become a developed country should gradually leave to exploit their resources and learn to look at long-term damage. For this development should seek alternatives that are not only sustainable, but to give work to people. Today in the news some people in La Higuera, where it was to install the thermo GDF Suez group, they were angry because the company would invest resources from the project would give a "better quality of life." Sure, if you do not even have a decent way to access the village. Experts agree that poverty and lack of opportunity created a fertile soil on which foreign or domestic firms can carry out their projects sustainable bit, because people feel they have a chance to progress. They can not see a future because they are concerned now.

is noted that the decision is political, but that's just an edge, because what are the values \u200b\u200bbehind it is a way to see our development, a way of how we fit into the world and in nature. No one can say only that the institutions fail because, in spite of obeying the law, the company GDF Suez could not complete your project. The laws are to order our lives in society, to help us live, but if it is the law that prevails over the interests of the population then we have a sneaky form of dictatorship. We elect our leaders not only because they have good ideas or because we have the same values, but because we hope that our voice heard. Here the institutional failure is not about the company is about people, that only through a movement is able to reverse decisions against the interests of the majority.

is why institutionalism in Chile should be open to people and their interests, as for example the call for greater participation in the System of Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA). The new law failed to incorporate this. You expect the government to make a society that is not heard. Shout louder or subject. It is clear that the way things are, the last thing that will happen is a surrender. Therefore, the decision to "direct" the territory should not only come from above and one must consult the community about the type of development they want. In addition, you should invest in such development appears, therefore Store is not the same as neglect, as happens today in Chile. Business opportunities exist in all fields, the issue is to have the sites identified, because if a community living from fishing and tourism and then install a thermoelectric plant or a dam, then we are faced with a conflict that has no solution except by way of sacrificing one of the two markets. Which should prevail? Why? These are some of the questions we must ask ourselves today.

may take time to scream and not always people will be heard. In this sense, the environmental movement and education are among the most relevant that Chile has had in its recent democratic history. This decade before the bicentennial of the nation shows that we are no longer the same company and I am proud.

The state is slow to adapt to a rapidly changing society, but must work, because the cost if it does it will be infinitely greater than it is paying now for a decision, although controversial, is what the Chilean society wanted. If we all throw in the same direction and pull through, leaving no one on the road. Image Source

People Image Source

Sunday, August 22, 2010

90s Leotards For Sale

a special mini !!!!!

hello friends!! I'm a little lost because not enough time for everything ... but I can not do ... but less than you'd like!! this is a very special mini ... it did for Mrs. Sandra Mihanovich ... a great person, who is godmother to the foundation ..... I had two reasons, one .... thanks for the great contribution made to the foundation ... a foundation finaer involved in my brother who is a doctor and are dedicated to research and care for her kidney disease ... organized a beautiful show here a few days ago in La Plata in honor Marilina Ros and aid of the Foundation!! and second thanks for filling in my teens and many songs of love .... thanks!!
I tell you this in a box with the same fibrofacil unplug the mini cover .... and has a special structure ... to open the lid the first page opens to the right and below to the left and are envelopes with cards per sheet .... I am very cute ... and full of love .... I hope you like it ... greetings to all !!!!! and I welcome your comments!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Opening Words For Church Anniversary


The amatory impulse is one of the most powerful psychological forces that exist, for him have been crazy, have created the most beautiful forms of art and to wars have been organized.

Today we are in a society obsessed eroticized, where sex is glorified as indispensable and ubiquitous center of happiness. Then, this hypocritical society is afraid to pedophilia, sex tourism, sex or rape among children or sexual harassment, as if they had encouraged all this to encourage "anything goes" and without precocious moral and spiritual values.

There are two ways to interpret this powerful force:
1) The materialist view, that is all about hormones and instinct merely animal, and not be in us so much more than animal behavior, as much influenced by culture . Sex does not need love. It's natural to be selfish, promiscuous, manipulative and calculating to achieve pleasure, because our genes force us to do. The natural, they say, is misleading, unstable, going by false promises and broken hearts. The main thing is the body.

2) The spiritual vision, that love and sex is an act of communication and harmonious between two human beings involving all his humanity, that is, its body part, hand-relational psychological (personality, behavior) and the spiritual-transcendent-moral. Sex without love is inconceivable because it would be an act of encounter between two people would be maimed and dehumanized. Accordingly, it requires values \u200b\u200bof nobility, sincerity and commitment. The main thing is the person.

For its part, the materialist view strives to combat the values \u200b\u200bof the spiritual vision of love. The goal is to eliminate all ground spiritual love - old heritage of the soul, the ethical and subjective - and reduce it to sex, to biochemical and genetic.

- So against their spiritual and moral nature rise the "sexual revolution" and "genetic and biochemical reductionism"
- against fidelity and commitment comes the "sociobiological hypothesis"
- against the trust and the delivery takes up the "coexistence experimental pre-commitment "
- the transcendent importance of the opposing theory is the denial of the importance of spirituality in couples
- the lack of solidarity appears contradicted by the" mercantilist theory of love. "

We can not dwell here - although we would have good arguments and more than enough - to show the failure of biochemical theories to explain the essence and the varieties of love, or to show the fallacies involved in sociobiological theory, nor to indicate that love and sex are not the same or be reduced to each other, and how the sexual revolution released or made us happier, and so on. Gabriel Ortiz


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Man looking for something more than pleasure, seeking a transcendental fullness. If only lives for pleasure at the end is a vacuum, an apathy to the ideals, an existential disenchantment, a vital bored senseless, superficial, nothing understood, reverence to anything or create anything. Their harvest is pain, misrepresentation, disregard for the rest, of dialogue and cynical selfishness. Indeed, much as we do to preserve and stimulate the sexual, as we were always looking for something indefinite, with a desire inside that is not satisfied and that we identify.

The only sexual pleasure, to be wonderful and important, can not two lives together harmoniously, and that he will rely to establish what we all yearn unconsciously, true love, will be challenged by the reality of life. She shows us that pleasure without spiritual harmony has more to do with boredom and deep dissatisfaction of us that true happiness. She reveals the secret of love is to deliver a prosperous and blessed the whole life for one other firm in order to make us happy, giving up when necessary and fair to every selfish impulse, as each is said to cause the another, so that each one serves the other of love, care and respect. All this must happen in a common life illuminated by sharing everything, for everything and discuss it simple and beautiful life experiences that unite the souls that are similar in their goals and spiritual aspirations and who possess a similar worldview.

What we seek in the background is not mate with each other, but to find true love and eternal, that we are thirsty but, desperate to find it, we launch our activities do not solve the true loneliness and less at its most acute: the loneliness of the spirit that binds to another to share everything in love, even as another dimension of these daily intimacy , the physical body that each possesses. What these pilgrims seeking pleasure without knowing it, is its own identity, meaning in their lives, someone who truly loves, which values \u200b\u200bthem as human beings, which is unconditional, to accept them as they are, they do not stop when you someone more attractive, to help them develop, ultimately, human beings who look at life with hope and love, do not seek the pleasure they get tired, disappointed and leaves one unsatisfied. This love is the great absent from our lives, but the most cherished secret. True love
retrieves concepts that society does not want to hear, such as sacrifice, surrender, moral.

The key to love is the renunciation of selfishness and the desire to bring happiness to another. Love of success is primarily a communication link, solidarity and mutual understanding, much more than necessary and selfish benefit. Spend more by giving than getting and certainly is a school of resignation and tolerance. The main thing in love is trust, communication, help each other grow as a person. Gabriel Ortiz

Saturday, August 7, 2010

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Bicentenary Cultural Center Amanda

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music and books

Yesterday I went to Latin Bitman Cultural Center Amanda and I must say is one of the best concerts those who have gone. Maybe later if I can upload some pictures this pileup is my PC achieved the electrons move. I still maintain it is the first PC I ever had. I bought it 2 years ago and a fraction. To think that I spent my entire career doing my work in the U.S., sometimes even 3 in the morning. Just when I finished and was already in the Masters this pileup came to me. Ugh!

were over a thousand photos (cache system for moving pictures) and Domore me about an hour holding select all shift + down arrow. Automatic transfer could not be the first half hour. But it is being copied in my folder. I am now listening to the album 1977 by Ana Tijoux. A good acquisition. So far I bought 2 CDs and 1 I earned it on the radio, only Chilean artists. National music is good and worth paying for it or go to concerts.

After they got to my house to steal and I stripped the CD's I was depressed enough. What you'll like these Non-Windows Pink Floyd, Marvin Gaye, Hooverphonic ... motherfucker ... my records! But I recovered. At least they did not take the disc Of the Wall by Michael Jackson that a friend gave me last year, a week before he died this weon dry. Little by little I'll recover ... slut wea ... I turned the crest ... arggg !.... ok ... the regain ... at least they did not take my CPU or my external hard drive that has all my music.

I have tickets already Lauryn Hill and Dave Matthews Band. What would we do without music? Is a reflection of the soul when you can not express in these limited things we call words. It is feeling, pure and simple, the balm of routine and memories.

Despite all the challenges I face every day I'm still taking the time to listen to music and reading. Now I am finishing Chapterhouse Dune and juggling to get the two to come. If someone can get Hunters of Dune and Dune worms at a reasonable price I'll be infinitely grateful. If someone can sell well Butlerian Jihad and Rise of the Machines (both prequels to Dune), I'll have to owe an arm. Great books that are not being published now or who fail to Chile. Shit!

I got the pictures ... now post some.