Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Opening Words For Church Anniversary


The amatory impulse is one of the most powerful psychological forces that exist, for him have been crazy, have created the most beautiful forms of art and to wars have been organized.

Today we are in a society obsessed eroticized, where sex is glorified as indispensable and ubiquitous center of happiness. Then, this hypocritical society is afraid to pedophilia, sex tourism, sex or rape among children or sexual harassment, as if they had encouraged all this to encourage "anything goes" and without precocious moral and spiritual values.

There are two ways to interpret this powerful force:
1) The materialist view, that is all about hormones and instinct merely animal, and not be in us so much more than animal behavior, as much influenced by culture . Sex does not need love. It's natural to be selfish, promiscuous, manipulative and calculating to achieve pleasure, because our genes force us to do. The natural, they say, is misleading, unstable, going by false promises and broken hearts. The main thing is the body.

2) The spiritual vision, that love and sex is an act of communication and harmonious between two human beings involving all his humanity, that is, its body part, hand-relational psychological (personality, behavior) and the spiritual-transcendent-moral. Sex without love is inconceivable because it would be an act of encounter between two people would be maimed and dehumanized. Accordingly, it requires values \u200b\u200bof nobility, sincerity and commitment. The main thing is the person.

For its part, the materialist view strives to combat the values \u200b\u200bof the spiritual vision of love. The goal is to eliminate all ground spiritual love - old heritage of the soul, the ethical and subjective - and reduce it to sex, to biochemical and genetic.

- So against their spiritual and moral nature rise the "sexual revolution" and "genetic and biochemical reductionism"
- against fidelity and commitment comes the "sociobiological hypothesis"
- against the trust and the delivery takes up the "coexistence experimental pre-commitment "
- the transcendent importance of the opposing theory is the denial of the importance of spirituality in couples
- the lack of solidarity appears contradicted by the" mercantilist theory of love. "

We can not dwell here - although we would have good arguments and more than enough - to show the failure of biochemical theories to explain the essence and the varieties of love, or to show the fallacies involved in sociobiological theory, nor to indicate that love and sex are not the same or be reduced to each other, and how the sexual revolution released or made us happier, and so on. Gabriel Ortiz



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