Friday, February 26, 2010

Ford Pinto Cruisin Wagon

have a blog ... FUTURE FILMMAKER

think having a blog is all an act of reflection .... I went through several stages ... the first was afraid to write ... and not knowing what to be afraid ..... be bored to read it ... have no fear that anyone reads it ... my second stage was wanting to please without being clear in essence ... time felt that wrote like a TV program and I the driver .... and there felt I was the one who ought become the first typing ... you ought to read like be owed to me!! but after always felt that go through the compu put the blog to see if I have any new comment ... and I get very happy to see: 1 comment. so thank you all who pass by and read it here! and thank you for those comments that leave me !!!!!
and now some scrap . This is the thing I did in the crop with Marcela !! Thanks Marce !!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Partial Loss Of Normal Cervical Lordosis


In the second half of the holiday, (as were those who were ...) Fran grabbed the photo machine and it said .... I'm going to make some videos recently ... yesterday with a bit of time, and we were surprised look ... here you have it, to his 7 years ... a style .... no?

And the second and final chapter Fantabulous fast-paced, filmmaker .... we

Saturday, February 20, 2010

How To Cook Frozen Sausage Fast

Blog Candy!!

hello friends!! this blog candy I got hooked because the things I saw in the blog are (as my son) Fantabulous ... but I have never come awards, so I'm disappointed ... but ... visit the blog of raw we win or not is amazing what you see ... besos

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Clean White Grout Lines

first crop in Argentina!!

that beautiful afternoon!! was a pleasure to go ... Marcela is a charming, generous, cheerful, and knows a lot!! here are some photos ...
Thanks for making this possible !!!!!

Here are some of the group photos ...
and Marce, my daughter, who I love to share with her this time and also did a beautiful job!! and Marc was very sweet to her ... THANK YOU!

and here the two .... and my joy!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Liver Hurts After 1 Beer

yesterday discovered something ... what I most want is to write this blog for me "... not a news magazine but as an intimate diary ... with feelings ... until now thought to write to write to you like when you visit, without realizing that I really have to like me first ....
after writing yesterday I went outside ... and I found one evening that gave beauty, and I could not resist. I love the picture. I love to study photography ... and I think at some point when you have some time .... I will. for now this year I return to my yoga classes, which I love and I am very well. put it off last year ... I changed the times and gave me anger, I allow invasion. That is a decision. assume that 41 years is old enough to change lenses to look at life ... to leave behind the glasses that come with fear and emotional resignation and submission. believe more in mí.Buscar decide my fate. seems easy but sometimes not. we take care of our bodies and our minds and learned how important it is for my yoga ... walk ... See you soon.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cannon For Sale Caribean

great start!

today I have a good day ... but I decided to write my blog to see if my good thoughts come to mind ... when I think of something creative I forget the anger .. .. and walking on the web blog read in the halls mireia a mention of Ali Edwards Blog ... and there, through my daughter It showed me that I could not read English using google translator (which although the translation is not perfect, it is understood the idea ...) I read the post that proposes a very interesting idea. Think of a word at the beginning of the year and work on it. I think working from scrap means a great job inside. I would word this year .. DECISION.Siento that this year will have to change many things in my life. I feel that at age 41 there are many things that can happen to me .... I should not allow to pass ... decide which way to go ... sometimes things seem impossible and we see no exits, but there always are, but Sometimes these outputs are painful and difficult ... I always thank God that my problems are not serious, I have healthy children, home, work, and yet at times seem huge problems .... sorry for the anger that comes out in my words, but I always did well written .. . well let's memories!! holidays!! went to Mardel in January and we had a month of luxury !!!!! brought many beautiful photos ... because they are full of affection ...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Calorie Recorder For Indian Foods

By Gabriel Wüldenmar

The great enemy of man's moral progress, both social and individual, is our ego. The ego arose from poor feeding (with greed and materialism) and focus incorrectly (for ourselves instead of God and therefore all creatures), our legitimate thirst for personal happiness without action. What should be a factor for growth and personal statement as part of a healthy self-esteem, became a disorderly growth of the cult of "self", now the material system is dedicated to hypertrophy and flatter beyond measure with items ranging from the promotion of individualistic self-centered and narcissistic consumerism-powerful, to the justifications "scientific" (Sociobiological) of selfishness, through the so popular "ego psychology" (which paralyzes the entire ethical progress under the guise of self-esteem in their crusade against extreme guilt and make us believe that we are perfect) and teaching fierce competition from earliest childhood.

protect, serve and give to our ego, we sacrifice everything and everyone else, we become angry and very sensitive, arrogant, untouchable and liars. The ego is manifested in many different ways depending on the individual's personality. It can detect both our reactions considered as internal speech, if we're honest, is in the back of our mind. ME no I can - not least - to question, teach, correct, improve their critical limit or deny anything that I want, because I feel offended and respond with anger. I think, absurdly, that such things are being "below" others or seem silly, and that I can not agree, provided I have to get even or get my way and I say the last word I just accept that no I am less than others, we also believe I am better than anyone. I always I have reason, I have justification and good reasons to do what I do (even and especially the poor), while the other does what he does because it is bad or stupid. I have to be center or star of everything that happens (self) is good or bad, I need my fans, who admire me, see my beauty, how well you speak, how much I know everything, even to see how good I am or what I suffer. There is no greater pleasure than I empequeñeciéndote you grow (through the scorn, ridicule, of comparison, the manipulative strategy, slander, exploitation of public humiliation ...). My Sacred Self is my only true God.

For the ego we distort the reality more evident to incredible limits (to think we are the center of everything that happens) and we lie to ourselves (trying to pass an interest under, refusing to self-criticism of our behavior or aggressive or being impervious to criticism by others), manipulate and damaged, we become blind to our own shortcomings but we note perfectly and the same faults in others. Thus, the ego is wise in cheating strategies that are more subtle the more advanced the person is morally, the less cynical and more are.

The ego, the need to affirm hypertrophied ourselves on others, is always what we lost, the root of all our moral failings. The problem is that no materialistic view of reality or ethics offers no solution to control, on the contrary, materialism justified by "science" and increased by the flattery and sensuality. So who wants to improve spiritually and ethically has no choice but to go to the realm of the spiritual. Spiritual traditions around the world focus on spiritual and ethical development of man in denial, weaken and kill the ego bloated from humility and fraternal solidarity, redirecting the force of love in the right direction.