Thursday, December 30, 2010

London Broil Instead Of Brisket


How To Rouge Status Gun Show Your Bike

anonymous Stories that speak of life itself. I leave this impressive record,

Last night I went out with my friends to a 'meeting'. I told my husband to come home at 12 o'clock.

'I promise', I said, but the 'meeting' was great! ..... Glasses, little dance, more drinks ... and it was time for me! It

I got home at 3 am completely drunk ....

had just entered and the cuckoo clock was dirt 'cu-cu' thrice.

When I realized that my husband was going to be awakened by the sound, I screamed 'cu-cu' other 9 times ...

I was so proud and pleased to have been suddenly, even drunk, such a good idea to avoid fighting with my husband ...!!!

I lay down as quiet thinking how smart I am!

the morning, at breakfast, my husband asked me what time he arrived and told him he had arrived at 12 point, as he had promised. The

the moment, said nothing, and it seemed suspicious, 'what Koha! .... Salvaaaada! " ... I thought.

Then he said 'of course .... we should change our cuckoo clock. "

trembling I asked, 'SIIIII? ... And why my love? "

And I said, 'Well, last night was watch' cu-cu 'three times, then ...... I do not know how they say' shit! ", Then made ..... 'cu-cu' four times, ...... vomited in the hallway ..... did 'cu-cu' three times, ..... Laughter is the shit and again did cu-cu ', ..... ran out, stepped on the cat ...... broke the table in the corner of the room .... lay by my side giving the final' cu-cu ', he threw a fart and fell asleep.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Best Rock Birthday Songs

Neville Goddard - Feeling is the Secret

The mechanism creation is hidden in the same depth of the subconscious, the female aspect or matrix of creation. The subconscious transcends reason and is independent of induction. Provides a feeling as a fact existing within itself and in assuming this comes to give expression.

The creative process begins with an idea and the cycle runs its course as a feeling and ends in a will to act. ideas are printed on the subconscious by feeling. No idea can be printed in the subconscious until it is felt, but once that is felt - good or bad or indifferent - it must be expressed. Feel is the one and only way through which ideas are expressed to the subconscious. Therefore, the man who not control their feelings can easily print the subconscious with undesirable states. To control feelings do not mean repressing or suppressing feelings, but rather disciplining oneself to imagine and entertain only those feelings that contribute to their happiness.

control feelings is very important for a full and happy life. Never have a sense unwanted or support any prejudice in any way. Do not focus on your imperfections or those of others . Otherwise you will be printing the subconscious with these limitations. What I do not want to make you not feel that you do to yourself or another. This is law complete a full and happy life. Everything else is commentary.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Peeing Alot And Lower Tummy Pain


By Gabriel Ortiz

The philosopher Plato, in his "Timaeus and Critias" Solon collects information from the Egyptian priest of Sais files based on the temple. "At that time, the sea was navigable. And there was an island in the straits which you call the Pillars of Hercules - the Strait of Gibraltar - larger than Libya and Asia put together - refers to the coastal strip of north Africa except Egypt and Asia Minor -. And travelers of that time could pass easily from this island to the other - the West Indies - and of these, the entire continent beyond bordering the inland sea - arguably America -, then what is this part of the Strait we are talking about - the Mediterranean, small compared to the real ocean - it seems a natural harbor with the narrow entrance - the Strait of Gibraltar - while the other side is a sea - Atlantic Ocean - and the land surrounding it - the Americas - we can rightly say that is a true continent. "

Plato explains that Atlantis was an island of 370 km long by 185 km wide surrounded by high mountains, deep trench surrounding a large central plain - a little action of nature and a little human work for several reigns -. The moat was 30.826 meters deep and 184.8 wide at all points and was its length of 1,850 km This system channeled water from the mountains converge on the city in a controlled and then pouring them into the sea through navigable channels about 30.8 m apart by 18.5 km

Obviously there are too many specific details and unnecessary for this to be a utopia symbolic. If the product of his imagination or that of others (a legend), do not understand how he could know real geographic data as there is a huge ocean that dwarfs in comparison to the Mediterranean, which in effect are the West Indies as a string of islands, which they will reach a much larger continent (America), that runs along the entire Atlantic continent. It is clear that in those days the Atlantic was not known, nor the West Indies or America. Of course neither Plato nor the Greeks or the Egyptians knew nothing of this, because otherwise appear in many of his writings are limited to collecting an ancient tradition. The question then arises if these details are geographically accurate and true with respect to the Atlantic, the Caribbean and why America would be false as regards the existence of Atlantis?.

Plato The biggest criticism is that no other source confirms what he says, but this review may have its days numbered with what we have discovered in Sumerian sources. You can confirm that the Sumerian world Plato speaks of an island continent in the sea beyond the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar in Europe Jebel Sidi Moussa in Africa). Indeed, there is evidence that the end of Atlantis is related in many ways with the flood. Well, in the epic of Gilgamesh in the Hittite version rescued by Johannes Friederich, when the hero, in search of immortality, wants to see the Mesopotamian Noah Utnapishtim (the Sumerian Ziusudra), he is still alive, must cross the "great sea of the waters of death ", ie a big sea where there was a plague, which in the myth of Atlantis, sunk catastrophically, but can not mean the Atlantic Ocean.

generally believed that the sea represents the journey to the afterlife, but not, it is an actual sea (more than While an ocean), since 1) Utnapishtim is not dead but alive, like Gilgamesh, 2) it takes a month and fifteen days by boat from somewhere in the eastern Mediterranean (probably Lebanon, since it comes from forests cedar, exclusive there) where the hero had crossed by land, 3) a goddess Siduri, Gilgamesh tells "the sea is impossible to cross. For a long time nobody has come across the sea "but the sun god (Shamash) and obviously if the sea represents step further, those words would be meaningless because people constantly passing road traffic death.

To confirm that this is the same sea Plato said, we see that Gilgamesh, towards the "Great Sea, which is far" should follow "the usual way" (obviously not talking about death because Gilgamesh is not dead, nor that the searcher) and as signals "that lead you to the destination" there were two "pillars of stone, just as Plato says, that the Pillars of Hercules give way to the Atlantic where was Atlantis. Once past these columns had to turn and coming to a city (obviously in the sea) called "ITLA" which has to be the Mesopotamian way of referring to "Atla" or "Atlantic" Atlantis. Obviously all this is in the West, as Shamash, the sun crosses the Great Sea and helps once past the two stone columns. The only Great Ocean almost impossible to cross, having two columns and the West, can only be the Atlantic. The myth, of course, mixing past with present and so the Atlantis as still existing. It is therefore a confirmation of the existence of Atlantis.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Do You Get A W2 For Nj Disability

WikiRebels Reflections on the Documentary Documentary

One of the most significant philosophical debates for our existence is what raises the end the documentary WikiRebels . To what extent freedom of expression and transparecia benefits us as a society and if this is equivalent to the individual benefit we can expect from our environment.

Towards the end it is clear to me that even the most fundamental values \u200b\u200bare nuanced, as evidenced by the fact that some of the Wikileaks colaboardores uncheck the project is seeking a more gradual and safe transparency. Julian Assange certainly launches a crusade almost suicidal to raise public opinion, despite the personal cost. Instead, many do not do the same, but independent of what we would do ourselves, we can not underestimate the tremendous work that has been done and the implications of that.

Personally, I disagree with those who have qualms about the "truths" that can be revealed. Perhaps only in the specific terms and times, but only when there is a greater good target as a guide. Behind the doubts and questions revelations about Wikileaks only see specific objectives and benefits. Those responsible for innocent deaths or embezzlement are a few who control the information and resources, so there is no reason to stop this information and put all the resources available to them to know. Although Wikileaks

fall morning, either by itself or by the weakening of its leader (he is human and therefore has shit under the rug), the box has been opened and it is important that from now on will continue to appear similar sites volume of information because it is certainly impossible to handle for one group of people and its relevance has different social scales. If in Chile, my country, something arises, which reveal cases of corruption, what other country would be interested? No doubt to anyone else, but we do that we need.

Although Wikileaks has focused on the major economic and military powers in the world in a kind of strategy Top-down, is now to be local movements occur (in a bottom-up strategy ). It has opened the way, but hopefully not a group of foreigners who make a difference in our country. And this goes for all English speakers seeking information regarding Wikileaks (thousands each day).

We are all called to throw in the crusade for freedom of expression and transparency. A social scale, only benefits can come, but no doubt that personal costs may be imporant. Are we ready?

Those with information from disclosure (public, private, etc..) And who have the knowledge to pass (journalists, hackers, etc.) As well as politicians and agencies with duties and abilities to create laws (legislators, Senators, NGOs, ministers, etc.) are called to create a network where they can publish information about cases of corruption and to protect sources. This is the way to go changing things, and I mean to be mere observers of what is happening around us. We have the power to change reality, because this is only the result of our belief structure. Image Source

Public Man Masterburation

with Spanish subtitles on Wikileaks: WikiRebels

Now you can see a documentary called WikiRebels Wikileaks, by Swedish TV. According to the site (see the direct link ) reporters Jesper Bosse Lindquist Huor and have traveled to key countries where it operates WikiLeaks, interviewing board members, such as Assange, new spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson, and people such as Daniel Domscheit-Berg, who is now starting its own version -!

To activate the subtitles of the video on YouTube: Click on the icon "CC" lower right.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Barbara Weber {aomtomgs

mass movements, philosophies and

From any point of view, we can always find arguments to support or refute the Wikileaks project. Justifications are everywhere, but sometimes it's good to review what others have thought about it big. I leave this link to read not only the spine, but the ensuing discussion.

By the way, if you agree and want to add its voice to other (400 thousand have signed in 24 hrs at the time of this post), I leave the invitation made to the campaign in favor of Wikileaks . One of the arguments is as follows (copied verbatim):

"WikiLeaks is not acting alone. Is working with leading newspapers worldwide (New York Times, Guardian, Der Spiegel. The Country, etc) to carefully evaluate 250.000 diplomatic cables U.S. and to remove any information whose publication is irresponsible. Only 800 cables have been published to date. WikiLeaks Previous revelations have uncovered cases of torture by governments, the killing of innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan corruption scandals within large corporations "

can sign their support in this link.

Invite is to inform, not to believe everything you read (even this blog), to look at things from a critical standpoint and arguments. Anyone here serve the guts or the batting for comment. We leave to children who are just learning.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sample Of A Poutry House

Wikileaks Wikileaks and international cynicism

The cynicism of the countries and their international relations prevents them from looking in the mirror. Only a monster would be distorted, full of interests, influences and movements of funds. Today people have fallen by the wayside and what matters are financial figures, which serve as musical notes dance of international diplomacy as if it were to end the world.

What is happening to Wikileaks is the best example of what I say, because due to the leaking of secret documents from the United States. Just enough to see how countries like France (Freedom?, Equality?, Fraternity?) Pressured to remove the Internet site Wikileaks (see news here.) The most pathetic is that we see that the desired freedom of expression ends when the network is put into play the international image of countries. These countries are "victims" gringo spy, instead of becoming indignant with the United States turned against whistleblowers, starkly showing what level of diplomatic relations between the "developed" countries. We can realize that the countries accept this intelligence, that citizens have no right to know, that net neutrality is a fantasy, because the servers are housed in a physical territory has laws, according to the country host.

You, a simple citizen, do you agree with this so blatantly cynical? Perhaps many of us know this and we are outraged, but now decency went to hell, because your government does not care it is clear we going to look elsewhere? Unfortunately there is no escape.

We're seeing a turning point regarding net neutrality and their apparent freedom, which is perhaps the most serious everything. From here it's all downhill or when to wake up.

Image Source

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ribbon Color For Mesothelioma

exactly one year ago I wrote my last entry in this blog. I can not believe it's been so long!

I apologize to all that time and leíais seguíais me. I'm proud to have gone by back door without saying goodbye. But nobody better than you to understand the ups and downs of the rollercoaster that is life.

needed a break from reality, back to live in the unreal world, dreaming, consciously beyond my true self. I did not think the break will last much and, frankly, I'm not sure it's over.

But anyway, try to wake up again ...