Friday, December 3, 2010

Sample Of A Poutry House

Wikileaks Wikileaks and international cynicism

The cynicism of the countries and their international relations prevents them from looking in the mirror. Only a monster would be distorted, full of interests, influences and movements of funds. Today people have fallen by the wayside and what matters are financial figures, which serve as musical notes dance of international diplomacy as if it were to end the world.

What is happening to Wikileaks is the best example of what I say, because due to the leaking of secret documents from the United States. Just enough to see how countries like France (Freedom?, Equality?, Fraternity?) Pressured to remove the Internet site Wikileaks (see news here.) The most pathetic is that we see that the desired freedom of expression ends when the network is put into play the international image of countries. These countries are "victims" gringo spy, instead of becoming indignant with the United States turned against whistleblowers, starkly showing what level of diplomatic relations between the "developed" countries. We can realize that the countries accept this intelligence, that citizens have no right to know, that net neutrality is a fantasy, because the servers are housed in a physical territory has laws, according to the country host.

You, a simple citizen, do you agree with this so blatantly cynical? Perhaps many of us know this and we are outraged, but now decency went to hell, because your government does not care it is clear we going to look elsewhere? Unfortunately there is no escape.

We're seeing a turning point regarding net neutrality and their apparent freedom, which is perhaps the most serious everything. From here it's all downhill or when to wake up.

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