Saturday, December 18, 2010

Do You Get A W2 For Nj Disability

WikiRebels Reflections on the Documentary Documentary

One of the most significant philosophical debates for our existence is what raises the end the documentary WikiRebels . To what extent freedom of expression and transparecia benefits us as a society and if this is equivalent to the individual benefit we can expect from our environment.

Towards the end it is clear to me that even the most fundamental values \u200b\u200bare nuanced, as evidenced by the fact that some of the Wikileaks colaboardores uncheck the project is seeking a more gradual and safe transparency. Julian Assange certainly launches a crusade almost suicidal to raise public opinion, despite the personal cost. Instead, many do not do the same, but independent of what we would do ourselves, we can not underestimate the tremendous work that has been done and the implications of that.

Personally, I disagree with those who have qualms about the "truths" that can be revealed. Perhaps only in the specific terms and times, but only when there is a greater good target as a guide. Behind the doubts and questions revelations about Wikileaks only see specific objectives and benefits. Those responsible for innocent deaths or embezzlement are a few who control the information and resources, so there is no reason to stop this information and put all the resources available to them to know. Although Wikileaks

fall morning, either by itself or by the weakening of its leader (he is human and therefore has shit under the rug), the box has been opened and it is important that from now on will continue to appear similar sites volume of information because it is certainly impossible to handle for one group of people and its relevance has different social scales. If in Chile, my country, something arises, which reveal cases of corruption, what other country would be interested? No doubt to anyone else, but we do that we need.

Although Wikileaks has focused on the major economic and military powers in the world in a kind of strategy Top-down, is now to be local movements occur (in a bottom-up strategy ). It has opened the way, but hopefully not a group of foreigners who make a difference in our country. And this goes for all English speakers seeking information regarding Wikileaks (thousands each day).

We are all called to throw in the crusade for freedom of expression and transparency. A social scale, only benefits can come, but no doubt that personal costs may be imporant. Are we ready?

Those with information from disclosure (public, private, etc..) And who have the knowledge to pass (journalists, hackers, etc.) As well as politicians and agencies with duties and abilities to create laws (legislators, Senators, NGOs, ministers, etc.) are called to create a network where they can publish information about cases of corruption and to protect sources. This is the way to go changing things, and I mean to be mere observers of what is happening around us. We have the power to change reality, because this is only the result of our belief structure. Image Source


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