Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Natural Progesterone, Dogs


bringing the mail came a package from the city of Denia, with nozzle adapters to send me Antonia gift. Antonia owns GUAD , a store devoted to bakery items, as if not sufficient to be a paradise for any pastry chef, has a store front painted green ...

saw my post of rose cupcakes
and was amazed at my comment that there are no large nozzle adapters .... That was wrong!
If she sells in her shop!
He decided to send them as gifts.
Thanks Antonio!

seems the entire family of adapters: Mom, Dad, and little children, jejejeje!

Under the guise of this gift, a bit of topping that had lagged behind in the bar and threatened to get ugly as the claim of my children that good things come to pass only the and a huge orange tempting poking from my kitchen ... it inspired me with this orange chiffon with orange topping, transformed into a basket full of roses.


  • 6 eggs
  • 450 gr sugar
  • 3 / 4 cup oil
  • zest of 2 large oranges
  • juice of 2 oranges
  • large
  • 450 gr of flour
  • 20 g baking powder (Royal)

We set the eggs with the sugar to bleaching.
add the oil while beating and as a fine thread.
Add the orange juice while still beating and perfumed with the zest.

Mix the flour and baking powder (Royal) and let it fall into the above mixture, from a sieve, and integrate with stirring motion.

cook in a low oven (170 degrees) for space approximately 45 minutes.
If using a mold narrow and tall as me, must come down a little oven temperature and extended cooking time.
Check for doneness by inserting a toothpick, unmold on rack and let stand overnight.

Cut into thin layers, moisten with a little orange syrup (half cup water half cup sugar and heat to a boil, remove and add it ½ cup orange juice strained) and fill with cream topping plant, installed with a few drops of aroma of orange and lemon flavor other

colored roses For the topping with a little of orange food coloring paste or gel, prepare the sleeve paint a line with the same pure color

and proceed as follows:.

Picos I used: 13, 128, 113 and forming flower nail no. 7 (pink grandes)

Con una mano sostenemos el clavo nro 7 y con la otra la manga que la habremos preparado con la boquilla lisa nro 12. Colocando la manga a 90 grados,  y ejerciendo una presión firme y constante mientras la vamos elevando ligeramente y  disminuimos la presión formando una especie de cono que tendrá el doble de tamaño que el lago del pico de pétalo...se entiende?? 

Preparamos la manga con la boquilla de pétalo (yo utilicé la 128 porque quería rosas grandes, but may be smaller) and we will make the first petal that surrounds the cone half way up. To do this we must hold the hose at 45 degrees, with the thin end of the nozzle up, and while cosntante exert pressure with the other hand we gently turning the nail.

The 2nd round is 3 petals. To achieve them we must not only push the nozzle and turn the nail, but also slightly moving the nozzle up and down to shape the petal. The petals should intersect slightly.

the 3rd round will be 5 petals that intersect slightly. Then we will make another round of 5 petals and finish with a 7 petals.

ufffff! Not imagine the mess that was to go by step by step ... he picked up sleeve, which picked up the nail, which made the petals, which hammered the nail into the cork, which wiped my hands I took the camera taking the picture, you start again hehehehe!
I hope I was clear even a little ....
And nothing! There are a lot of practice to coordinate the movements and achieve harmony at work!

If we will do in icing and we want to keep, what we will do is stick a small square of baking paper on the base of the nail (use the same icing as a glue). To the extent that we are making withdrawals and support on a plate to dry.
If we put directly on the cake, as in my case (made of cream topping plant does not dry out), the'll remove it gently with scissors and place them on the cake sliding. Comes a special scissors for this task but I use an ordinary.
leaves the nozzle nro conducted with the same topping 113 and colored with green food coloring sheet Wilton

The rim of the basket was made with a nozzle nr 47 and the upper edge a curly nro 20.
Remember that the day 23 of cte data will be done a course in pastry and real icing on the cake shop of MARIANA tarts, where we learn to make these roses, apple blossom and other decorative techniques with tips and real icing.

Saluditos from Algeciras! Mariana


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