Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Skinny Women Big Tits

What is your priority? Zalaquett

From my perspective, education is the great theme of the 2010-2020 decade, even more than energy, environment, political system and economy. Some people think it must be the political system, because it will move to democracy to development. Others think that the issue is economic growth and jobs that give feed the country and thus some day be developed. Others believe that the environment because we are destroying the future of our children and destroying what sustains us. Others believe it is energy, because it is key to economic development and with that we developed, and so on.

I think that is education. My reasons are not simple, but I want to simplify it to express an idea.

First, our law implicitly says that if there is no breathable air as I go to school (ask in the clay, Santiago in winter, etc..). If there is money, the law requires me to go to school like (ask in Huechuraba). If I have no means of transport or they are humiliating I like going to school (ask those who use Transantiago every day).

Clearly there is an incentive implicit in the law to go to school. The question is why? Is it so necessary to educate? Some believe that education is economic progress. Others who ennobles the soul. I think we all intuit that somehow makes us better, whatever the point of view of what we believe is progress.

Why it so difficult to agree on a bad education reform? I think some think it is bad because if we do not know math will never do more than just exporting raw materials, and there is no real economic progress. Others believe that if we do not know history, we will repeat the mistakes of our past and God help us.

What is the problem we must solve to get a better education? Funding is key some believe, however, private education and decent, by international standards. Of course, the problem is the context and progress is to look at peer, so ignoring it is bad in general, see what a particularly bad example.

If you can not pay for books, as you will enjoy reading. If there are no modern libraries, how will access to diverse and quality reading. If you do not understand what you read and understand your rights, health, labor, citizens, among others. If you have not read as a vocabulary to discuss one without frustrated. How to contain anger if you are constantly frustrated.

For example, you can not reform a political system without support of a majority that understands these reforms. To understand nobody can be so naive to trust the TV. You have to read. The other option is to take decisions on behalf of the ignorant, but that is too underdeveloped and "Chile" aspires to the contrary.

I believe that politicians do not realize what they discuss. One group thinks is a discussion on the size of government. Others believe that discusses the economic model. I want to discuss education. Clear we have to finance it, but most of the country's resources in the hands of 1% of the population. Then, it becomes an ideological struggle. Why not tell the amount and asked for a funding proposal for your chances? "Three checks cash price? Or better yet, spend time explaining the economic benefits of better education for the population.

My point is that there are arguments for a better education regardless of the particular purpose of each. Do not know anyone who likes the big picture of our education.

So my proposal is that we discuss quickly to agree on how funding, recognizing that today is insufficient, and strive in the most difficult: what education we want.


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