Thursday, December 30, 2010

London Broil Instead Of Brisket


How To Rouge Status Gun Show Your Bike

anonymous Stories that speak of life itself. I leave this impressive record,

Last night I went out with my friends to a 'meeting'. I told my husband to come home at 12 o'clock.

'I promise', I said, but the 'meeting' was great! ..... Glasses, little dance, more drinks ... and it was time for me! It

I got home at 3 am completely drunk ....

had just entered and the cuckoo clock was dirt 'cu-cu' thrice.

When I realized that my husband was going to be awakened by the sound, I screamed 'cu-cu' other 9 times ...

I was so proud and pleased to have been suddenly, even drunk, such a good idea to avoid fighting with my husband ...!!!

I lay down as quiet thinking how smart I am!

the morning, at breakfast, my husband asked me what time he arrived and told him he had arrived at 12 point, as he had promised. The

the moment, said nothing, and it seemed suspicious, 'what Koha! .... Salvaaaada! " ... I thought.

Then he said 'of course .... we should change our cuckoo clock. "

trembling I asked, 'SIIIII? ... And why my love? "

And I said, 'Well, last night was watch' cu-cu 'three times, then ...... I do not know how they say' shit! ", Then made ..... 'cu-cu' four times, ...... vomited in the hallway ..... did 'cu-cu' three times, ..... Laughter is the shit and again did cu-cu ', ..... ran out, stepped on the cat ...... broke the table in the corner of the room .... lay by my side giving the final' cu-cu ', he threw a fart and fell asleep.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Best Rock Birthday Songs

Neville Goddard - Feeling is the Secret

The mechanism creation is hidden in the same depth of the subconscious, the female aspect or matrix of creation. The subconscious transcends reason and is independent of induction. Provides a feeling as a fact existing within itself and in assuming this comes to give expression.

The creative process begins with an idea and the cycle runs its course as a feeling and ends in a will to act. ideas are printed on the subconscious by feeling. No idea can be printed in the subconscious until it is felt, but once that is felt - good or bad or indifferent - it must be expressed. Feel is the one and only way through which ideas are expressed to the subconscious. Therefore, the man who not control their feelings can easily print the subconscious with undesirable states. To control feelings do not mean repressing or suppressing feelings, but rather disciplining oneself to imagine and entertain only those feelings that contribute to their happiness.

control feelings is very important for a full and happy life. Never have a sense unwanted or support any prejudice in any way. Do not focus on your imperfections or those of others . Otherwise you will be printing the subconscious with these limitations. What I do not want to make you not feel that you do to yourself or another. This is law complete a full and happy life. Everything else is commentary.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Peeing Alot And Lower Tummy Pain


By Gabriel Ortiz

The philosopher Plato, in his "Timaeus and Critias" Solon collects information from the Egyptian priest of Sais files based on the temple. "At that time, the sea was navigable. And there was an island in the straits which you call the Pillars of Hercules - the Strait of Gibraltar - larger than Libya and Asia put together - refers to the coastal strip of north Africa except Egypt and Asia Minor -. And travelers of that time could pass easily from this island to the other - the West Indies - and of these, the entire continent beyond bordering the inland sea - arguably America -, then what is this part of the Strait we are talking about - the Mediterranean, small compared to the real ocean - it seems a natural harbor with the narrow entrance - the Strait of Gibraltar - while the other side is a sea - Atlantic Ocean - and the land surrounding it - the Americas - we can rightly say that is a true continent. "

Plato explains that Atlantis was an island of 370 km long by 185 km wide surrounded by high mountains, deep trench surrounding a large central plain - a little action of nature and a little human work for several reigns -. The moat was 30.826 meters deep and 184.8 wide at all points and was its length of 1,850 km This system channeled water from the mountains converge on the city in a controlled and then pouring them into the sea through navigable channels about 30.8 m apart by 18.5 km

Obviously there are too many specific details and unnecessary for this to be a utopia symbolic. If the product of his imagination or that of others (a legend), do not understand how he could know real geographic data as there is a huge ocean that dwarfs in comparison to the Mediterranean, which in effect are the West Indies as a string of islands, which they will reach a much larger continent (America), that runs along the entire Atlantic continent. It is clear that in those days the Atlantic was not known, nor the West Indies or America. Of course neither Plato nor the Greeks or the Egyptians knew nothing of this, because otherwise appear in many of his writings are limited to collecting an ancient tradition. The question then arises if these details are geographically accurate and true with respect to the Atlantic, the Caribbean and why America would be false as regards the existence of Atlantis?.

Plato The biggest criticism is that no other source confirms what he says, but this review may have its days numbered with what we have discovered in Sumerian sources. You can confirm that the Sumerian world Plato speaks of an island continent in the sea beyond the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar in Europe Jebel Sidi Moussa in Africa). Indeed, there is evidence that the end of Atlantis is related in many ways with the flood. Well, in the epic of Gilgamesh in the Hittite version rescued by Johannes Friederich, when the hero, in search of immortality, wants to see the Mesopotamian Noah Utnapishtim (the Sumerian Ziusudra), he is still alive, must cross the "great sea of the waters of death ", ie a big sea where there was a plague, which in the myth of Atlantis, sunk catastrophically, but can not mean the Atlantic Ocean.

generally believed that the sea represents the journey to the afterlife, but not, it is an actual sea (more than While an ocean), since 1) Utnapishtim is not dead but alive, like Gilgamesh, 2) it takes a month and fifteen days by boat from somewhere in the eastern Mediterranean (probably Lebanon, since it comes from forests cedar, exclusive there) where the hero had crossed by land, 3) a goddess Siduri, Gilgamesh tells "the sea is impossible to cross. For a long time nobody has come across the sea "but the sun god (Shamash) and obviously if the sea represents step further, those words would be meaningless because people constantly passing road traffic death.

To confirm that this is the same sea Plato said, we see that Gilgamesh, towards the "Great Sea, which is far" should follow "the usual way" (obviously not talking about death because Gilgamesh is not dead, nor that the searcher) and as signals "that lead you to the destination" there were two "pillars of stone, just as Plato says, that the Pillars of Hercules give way to the Atlantic where was Atlantis. Once past these columns had to turn and coming to a city (obviously in the sea) called "ITLA" which has to be the Mesopotamian way of referring to "Atla" or "Atlantic" Atlantis. Obviously all this is in the West, as Shamash, the sun crosses the Great Sea and helps once past the two stone columns. The only Great Ocean almost impossible to cross, having two columns and the West, can only be the Atlantic. The myth, of course, mixing past with present and so the Atlantis as still existing. It is therefore a confirmation of the existence of Atlantis.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Do You Get A W2 For Nj Disability

WikiRebels Reflections on the Documentary Documentary

One of the most significant philosophical debates for our existence is what raises the end the documentary WikiRebels . To what extent freedom of expression and transparecia benefits us as a society and if this is equivalent to the individual benefit we can expect from our environment.

Towards the end it is clear to me that even the most fundamental values \u200b\u200bare nuanced, as evidenced by the fact that some of the Wikileaks colaboardores uncheck the project is seeking a more gradual and safe transparency. Julian Assange certainly launches a crusade almost suicidal to raise public opinion, despite the personal cost. Instead, many do not do the same, but independent of what we would do ourselves, we can not underestimate the tremendous work that has been done and the implications of that.

Personally, I disagree with those who have qualms about the "truths" that can be revealed. Perhaps only in the specific terms and times, but only when there is a greater good target as a guide. Behind the doubts and questions revelations about Wikileaks only see specific objectives and benefits. Those responsible for innocent deaths or embezzlement are a few who control the information and resources, so there is no reason to stop this information and put all the resources available to them to know. Although Wikileaks

fall morning, either by itself or by the weakening of its leader (he is human and therefore has shit under the rug), the box has been opened and it is important that from now on will continue to appear similar sites volume of information because it is certainly impossible to handle for one group of people and its relevance has different social scales. If in Chile, my country, something arises, which reveal cases of corruption, what other country would be interested? No doubt to anyone else, but we do that we need.

Although Wikileaks has focused on the major economic and military powers in the world in a kind of strategy Top-down, is now to be local movements occur (in a bottom-up strategy ). It has opened the way, but hopefully not a group of foreigners who make a difference in our country. And this goes for all English speakers seeking information regarding Wikileaks (thousands each day).

We are all called to throw in the crusade for freedom of expression and transparency. A social scale, only benefits can come, but no doubt that personal costs may be imporant. Are we ready?

Those with information from disclosure (public, private, etc..) And who have the knowledge to pass (journalists, hackers, etc.) As well as politicians and agencies with duties and abilities to create laws (legislators, Senators, NGOs, ministers, etc.) are called to create a network where they can publish information about cases of corruption and to protect sources. This is the way to go changing things, and I mean to be mere observers of what is happening around us. We have the power to change reality, because this is only the result of our belief structure. Image Source

Public Man Masterburation

with Spanish subtitles on Wikileaks: WikiRebels

Now you can see a documentary called WikiRebels Wikileaks, by Swedish TV. According to the site (see the direct link ) reporters Jesper Bosse Lindquist Huor and have traveled to key countries where it operates WikiLeaks, interviewing board members, such as Assange, new spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson, and people such as Daniel Domscheit-Berg, who is now starting its own version -!

To activate the subtitles of the video on YouTube: Click on the icon "CC" lower right.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Barbara Weber {aomtomgs

mass movements, philosophies and

From any point of view, we can always find arguments to support or refute the Wikileaks project. Justifications are everywhere, but sometimes it's good to review what others have thought about it big. I leave this link to read not only the spine, but the ensuing discussion.

By the way, if you agree and want to add its voice to other (400 thousand have signed in 24 hrs at the time of this post), I leave the invitation made to the campaign in favor of Wikileaks . One of the arguments is as follows (copied verbatim):

"WikiLeaks is not acting alone. Is working with leading newspapers worldwide (New York Times, Guardian, Der Spiegel. The Country, etc) to carefully evaluate 250.000 diplomatic cables U.S. and to remove any information whose publication is irresponsible. Only 800 cables have been published to date. WikiLeaks Previous revelations have uncovered cases of torture by governments, the killing of innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan corruption scandals within large corporations "

can sign their support in this link.

Invite is to inform, not to believe everything you read (even this blog), to look at things from a critical standpoint and arguments. Anyone here serve the guts or the batting for comment. We leave to children who are just learning.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sample Of A Poutry House

Wikileaks Wikileaks and international cynicism

The cynicism of the countries and their international relations prevents them from looking in the mirror. Only a monster would be distorted, full of interests, influences and movements of funds. Today people have fallen by the wayside and what matters are financial figures, which serve as musical notes dance of international diplomacy as if it were to end the world.

What is happening to Wikileaks is the best example of what I say, because due to the leaking of secret documents from the United States. Just enough to see how countries like France (Freedom?, Equality?, Fraternity?) Pressured to remove the Internet site Wikileaks (see news here.) The most pathetic is that we see that the desired freedom of expression ends when the network is put into play the international image of countries. These countries are "victims" gringo spy, instead of becoming indignant with the United States turned against whistleblowers, starkly showing what level of diplomatic relations between the "developed" countries. We can realize that the countries accept this intelligence, that citizens have no right to know, that net neutrality is a fantasy, because the servers are housed in a physical territory has laws, according to the country host.

You, a simple citizen, do you agree with this so blatantly cynical? Perhaps many of us know this and we are outraged, but now decency went to hell, because your government does not care it is clear we going to look elsewhere? Unfortunately there is no escape.

We're seeing a turning point regarding net neutrality and their apparent freedom, which is perhaps the most serious everything. From here it's all downhill or when to wake up.

Image Source

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ribbon Color For Mesothelioma

exactly one year ago I wrote my last entry in this blog. I can not believe it's been so long!

I apologize to all that time and leíais seguíais me. I'm proud to have gone by back door without saying goodbye. But nobody better than you to understand the ups and downs of the rollercoaster that is life.

needed a break from reality, back to live in the unreal world, dreaming, consciously beyond my true self. I did not think the break will last much and, frankly, I'm not sure it's over.

But anyway, try to wake up again ...

Friday, November 26, 2010

Levi Roots Stewed Beef

Damn pathetic Comparisons

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Indian Handembroidery

learn ...

After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and learn that love does not mean support, and company does not always mean security. Begin to learn that kisses are not contracts, or gifts are promises ...

learn that with the same severity So judge, also will be tried and eventually convicted.

learn that no matter how many pieces your heart broke, the world does not stop to fix it. Learn that is you who must cultivate his own garden and decorate your soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

begin to accept your defeats with your head up and eyes ahead, with the grace of a woman and not with the sadness of a child and how to build all your ways today, because tomorrow's ground is uncertain for the projects, and the future has a habit of falling into the void.

After a while you learn that the sun burns if you expose too much. Will accept even that good people could ever hurt and need forgiveness.

learn that talking can relieve the pain of soul. Discover that it takes years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it and you too can do things you regret it the rest of life.

learn that new friendships continue to grow despite the distances and that no matter what you have, but who you have in life and good friends are the family that we would choose.

learn that we have to change friends if we are willing to accept that friends change.

discover that often take lightly the people that matter most and that is why we always tell these people that we love because we are never sure when the last time we see them.

learn that the circumstances and environment around us influence us, but we are only responsible for what we do. Begin to learn that we should not compare with others, except when we want to imitate them to improve. Discover

what takes time to become the person you want to be, and that time is short. Learn that no matter where you came, but where you're headed. You learn that you control your actions they will control you and to be flexible does not mean being weak or having no personality, because no matter how delicate and fragile is a situation: there are always two sides. You learn that heroes are the people who did what was necessary to face the consequences. .. Learn that patience requires a lot of practice.

find that sometimes the person you expect to kick you when you fall, it may be one of the few to help you get up. Mature has more to do with what you've learned from experience that with the years lived.

learn that there is more to your parents in you than you think. Learn that you should never tell a child her dreams are nonsense, because few things are more humiliating and would be a tragedy if he believed, because he'll take away hope. Learn that when you feel anger, you are entitled to have it, but that does not give you the right to be cruel.

find that just because someone does not love you the way you want does not mean he does not love you with all you can, because there are people who love us, but do not know how to prove it. .. It is not always enough to be forgiven by someone, sometimes have to learn to forgive yourself.

If anything I learned in life, it puts the lie against one who invents.
Jorge Luis Borges.

read it and thought I'd share with you ... just think big and write with such clarity .... hope you like it.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Epsom Salt Before Waxing


By Gabriel Wüldenmar IRRATIONALITY

The New Age is a movement full of "masters" of both this world and presumably the other. But paradoxically, there are some groups to refuse any doctrinal teaching, or external information, they say that it is enough inside to know everything, they do not want nothing from outside.
is true that within us there is a more sedate me, wise and deep, an opportunity to refocus better the realities of life with greater serenity and detachment. But beware exaggerate the doctrine of inner teacher!. He is also a disciple of life and does not know everything. So is living here embodied, interacting, interacting with the environment and others, experimenting, making mistakes, by drawing on outside information. That is to live and learn, but no sense that we were here experience to others and the environment. Human beings are social beings and draws on external experience with others, his mind is built on information, knowledge and experience, to the extent that there is no human being that only taps into the interior. Otherwise, learning and objectivity would be impossible. Even our body, which is wonderful and works very well, it needs a continuous supply of oxygen and food from outside.
Furthermore, the statement of the ultra-interior view is contradictory in itself: it is true that I only accept what comes from inside me, when someone tells me I should just accept whatever comes from inside me, I reject it because that information I come from another, from the outside, so if I accept, and false statements, and if not accept, evidently, too.
is absurd because that in turns with the pride of our ego, despise help and advice of external knowledge. Instead, seize the opportunity, let's internal and we will have assimilated. Moreover, that in itself was good anchorages adventure await insidious enemy: 1) The darkness that comes from our inner nature unpurified fall (Gen 6.5 and 8.21; Mt 15, 18-19, so we're in a world where there is pain and purification).
2) The seductive and sensual deception of our ego that seeks to accommodate lost and self-centered sensations rather than polished and progress.
3) The action of dark forces to create intelligent links that take advantage of lying and exploitation of energy, eager for a window into our world.
4) The neglect of our commitment to our neighbors and with the need to fight for a fairer world.
5) There is a danger that is up resenting our rationality, objectivity and critical to enter a fantasy world completely irrational and a-critical subjective. Indeed, if the only thing real is what you feel or "know" myself and there can be no contrast to external information, there may be no criteria for what is true or false. Is well blocked any ability to know, objective science and rationality. All this leads to irrational positions
For all this, all the traditions - Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, ... - Truly mystical warn of the need to undertake the inner journey from a firm doctrine, with critical to our psychological experiences and mistrust of the imagination and with less initial advice of an experienced teacher.
But the pseudo-mysticism of these factions ignored all this. If we warn of the dangers react aggressively because of "frighten them." They are like one who wanted to sue "to sow fear among drivers Instead of letting them move freely "to the Department of Transport, for putting so many warning signs, traffic regulations and awareness campaigns. Irrational.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Brisket In The Slow Cooker*dry Rub

Changing paradigms in education

while ago I fed the stock head I wish I saw this video around the world and understood it as I see it (because it is beautiful, not because mine is the only or the best). I guess you could take the next leap in the evolution of the species. We are so little in the world that anxiety to get to see an evolution, grows with each generation. At least that is my impression. They imagine that our way of adapting it to be peaceful. Utopia. The frustrating thing is that sometimes you see that there are people thinking about how and that ideas do have delicious. But the inertia of the few, who want to keep it that way because it is beneficial for them, that wea is killing us slowly, but growing fast too.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Alexis Texas & Black Guys

The four band members were playing as if we were one.
passion, honesty and completeness.
An absolute musical paradise. Jimmy Page

It Might Get Loud

Imágen de aquí

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Visitor Driver's License To Resident Ny


THE SECRETS OF THE INFINITE: new evidence metaphysics of God's existence Wüldenmar
by Gabriel Ortiz
materialism tells us not ask ourselves what lies beyond the universe, because the question is meaningless . But the universe is something material and all background material is a cause preceding the effect, so it is lawful to ask for it. What, then, beyond the universe? A) A space-time without end? What is "outside" the universe can not be more space for two reasons: 1) by science, space was created with the material world and destroys it, and 2) the space is, by definition, a place that can be occupied by a body (regardless of whether or not there is now a busy body), an infinite space would be likely to be occupied by an infinite body. However, an infinite body is impossible because the bodies are precisely defined (= "with purpose") defining reality, separating what are what are not. And not only is a human problem of "knowing how to define" but an objective problem, and that whatever There it is in terms of its limits, if any object we think the basics are there boundaries that define and separate from the rest of the surrounding, so all that exists is within limits and there because of them.
B) What is "after / before" the universe can not be an endless time, because 1) according to science, time with the material universe is born and dies with him, and 2) eternal time, by definition, is a moment that can be occupied by an eternal event. However, an eternal event is impossible precisely because the events are defined (= "have limits") defining reality, separating what they are when they occur of when they occur. And not only is a human problem of "knowing how to define" but an objective problem, as any event that happens, happens according to its limits, if we think any one incident, the basics of that happening are the limits that define and separated from the rest of what is happening or could happen, so everything that happens is within limits and there because of them.
C) Is there more than just nothing? No, not possible because nothing can not exist, since by definition it is nothing. If there would be something, would not be nothing, if a huge absolutely empty space, that would be something (space, would in A), if it were an infinitely long infertile and would be something (time, we would be in the case B). Also no sense (or causal - why is there something rather than nothing? - Or structural - why it is, it is? -) That there is nothing, nothing existed in the middle of something (the universe) . If nothing had always existed, nothing there at any time thereafter, since nothing can not get something, nothing can not cause more than anything, is completely infertile by definition.
D) If there can be neither an infinite space (A) or an eternal time (B) or nothing (C), then there must be something, "some to be" infinite and eternal. Infinite does not mean (occupied) a very, very, very ... great, but it is a-space (no space), otherwise we would fall into the impossibility of "A". Eternal does not mean (that exists for) a very, very, very long, but it is a-time (no time), otherwise we would fall into the impossibility of "B".
addition, the dimensionless infinite / eternal is easy to prove. Is the set of natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ... n, to infinity). Is also the set of their squares (1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 ... n 2 to infinity). Although both are infinite sets or series (if you can imagine a larger number or a larger square or square any number given) it is clear that there must be more numbers in the first series in the second because the latter is reserved for the squares and the first supports any number. Infinity we would have a bigger than another infinity, which is absurd because all infinity is as infinite as any infinite and, moreover, can not exist only because if there were an infinite number of none would be infinite because each one would limit the others. This implies that the concepts of "greater" or "minor" and the same are not applicable when it comes to infinity, as centuries later confirm the mathematical Georg Cantor. Knowing
, Cantor explains that there are infinite points in a segment (points without dimension and therefore size) concludes that in a segment have the same number of points in another but differ in length, since, as can demonstrated geometrically, each point of a segment is a point-image in the other, however much they differ in length, which proves that both have the same number of points. If any segment of infinite points, we construct a square, it is shown that this latter figure is also infinite points, as in any of the segments that form its sides. If the 2D to 3D and we build a cube, it is exactly as it appears that it also contains the same number of points, infinite. Therefore appear that a segment, however small, there are many points as the entire universe. Inside the infinitely small is infinitely large. Thus
infinite / eternal is dimensionless. If what is "beyond" the universe is a-spatial and a-temporal, is "dimensionless" and therefore must necessarily be immaterial, spiritual, relationship or meaning simply because everything material is necessarily space-time can not dimensionless be something that is at once material. In fact, if either A or B can not be material and it can not be C can not be non-existent therefore be a being exístete but infinite and eternal. That is immaterial, eternal and infinite, it would be smart to be due cause for the universe, is what we call God. However
the infinite / eternal is there objectively or is the result of human thought in denying the idea of \u200b\u200b"limit", obtained by abstraction from the observation of bodies and events? The infinite / eternal is what never ends nowhere, mathematics (numbers, values \u200b\u200bcloser to limits, etc.) And geometry (definition of straight or parallel lines of symmetry of a circle or sphere, quadrature circle impossible to achieve unless with a polygon of infinite sides, etc..) are the best evidence that exists. Mathematically defined as the value greater than any assignable quantity or big it is imaginable. That means, in practice, you may already own and would never end because there is always a larger number to anyone imagined possible. But we can not verify that since there is no human life or lives of all mankind or length of the entire universe that are large enough to prove it by counting to infinity, so we have to believe it and that's it. No need someone to do it, just know that you can do. Anyone can do (show) a thing does not mean it can not exist and should exist.
But it is something more than mere belief, it is a mathematical truth clearly and distinctly that one can always imagine a number greater than anyone else no matter how great the latter, since we know that however great a number we can always add a larger, no matter what anyone does. If we can not because there is not but because from our finitude could not do or achieve, but there necessarily. Saying that there is infinite (infinite) simply because it can (potentially infinite) and necessarily (infinite sound) exist, is therefore accept that infinity is something that exists objectively, ie independently of us. At that level, the three infinite types are identified, and that is what we call God. This has important consequences
1) Here is something undoubtedly true but not provable, verifiable by experience, which dismantled and left in the wrong place materialistic positivism. 2) This justifies the leap from the ideal of what exists in reality that makes the ontological argument for the existence of God. 3) It supports Gödel's theorem on the necessary existence of the unprovable in any system. 4) The argument points to the existence of God as transcendent to the universe, leaving in the wrong approaches and new age pantheist. 5) This is a new argument for the existence of God, hitherto unknown in philosophy.
Wüldenmar Gabriel Ortiz.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Diagram Of An Oil Tanker With Parts Named

something to think I'm happy !!!!!

hi !!!!! I am very happy because I won the last two challenges that involved !!!!!! I'm anxious to get all this stuff !!!!! now invite you to a blog candy for mireia Carbonel a superstar !!!!! and also writes that it is a pleasure to read your blog!! I hope soon to publish a few things that I have hanging around ..... kisses

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Masterbates In The Park

It Might Get Loud

"If people feel that energy solutions are imposed on them, for instance a new wind farm or nuclear power plant, they are more likely to object. My research has highlighted the importance of involving local communities in decision-making, thereby tailoring solutions to fit a specific community or area. In the case of wind farms, the benefits can leave the community, particularly if the electricity generated goes to the national grid. But by involving host communities in the decisions that affect them, facility siting becomes a much fairer and democratic process."

No sé... me falla el inglés tal vez, pero al I read this in a scientific way (from a research group here) to say: if to convince the profitability (read money) project, we will do it smoothly.

amazing thing is that it puts the same level a farm of wind turbines and nuclear power plant.


"local Addressing Opposition in the context of facility siting is only half of the story. In Many Communities There exists a host Silent Majority Who are Either Supportive of, or indifferent to Proposed Installations; However, it is the That minority Vociferous exerted tendon to the Biggest Impact on planning decisions. "

This suggests that most (And blending two groups, eye) is for or indifferent. Many indifferent (read ignorant of the impacts) will be compared to those who are in favor (ie those who see a possible benefit).

is to reduce the problem of a project only to nearby communities, but it ignores the fact that today we can no longer speak of isolated communities. Then, the benefits must be for all, otherwise how to convince many people.

is incredible that money is spent to find ways to convince others that you're right (read benefit) and not invested in what ... I do not know, a better world for all and not for the few. It's almost like denigrate the majority of the inhabitants of the planet to mere extras that play a role in your big and important story. What kind of blind selfishness can lead to this?

course every day is easy to ignore the side, but when that is extrapolated to the rest of the world without further questioning ... Maybe it's part of ourselves which is reflected in everything around us, but I have the hope of ever seeing a more hopeful course for our species.

Perhaps it's just a matter of my mood these days to see everything so black?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pro's And Con's Of Selling Organs

WWW in October 2010 for all inhabitants of the planet

The world is moving too slow for our imagination. There are revolutions que toman generaciones.

Miren esto .

Celebrations Bounty Sweet Calories

Cobain 's letter reads: "Dear Empty TV, the entity of all corporate gods. We will survive without you easily. The old-school is going down fast. My life's dedication is now to do nothing but slag something. Kurdt Kobaineee , professional rock musician."

Fuente: Esta

Foto: de acá

Monday, October 4, 2010

Does My Dog Have Skin Cancer

Kurt Cobain "Chile is the country reveals that pure competition does not improve education"

Entrevista de La Tercera Miguel Urquiola , Academic Department. of Economics, U. Columbia, one of the most respected experts in education and get deeper into the Chilean system. In 2002, together with Chang-Tai Hsieh, published a study concluding that the subsidy scheme introduced in Chile in the 80, did not bring the expected effects on quality. Invited to the country by the U. Chile and UC, in this interview shred recent measures in education.

In one of his studies, notes that the introduction of the voucher system in Chile did not produce quality. Why?

Chile has created a system that, according to the typical economic recipe is ideal: pure competition. But in a recent study show that education is a different and complex sector. For example, if I open a sandwich shop, a consumer can easily tell if the sandwich I sell is good or bad. In education, it is difficult to distinguish the product of a school in the composition of their consumers. The reputation of a school depends on who your customers. When this this is so, schools can build a good reputation based on selectivity, and decreases the impact of competition.

How are schools to create more value added?

should be less selective. Sweden has a grant system similar to Chile but their schools should select pupils by lottery. In the U.S., publicly funded schools can not select. In Chile, schools find it easy to choose from, which leads them to base their reputations on who their students on how well they teach. Do you lack


In Chile, as in other countries, lack the efforts of two sides: students and their parents, and schools. These are efforts to attract good students, but not necessarily to teach more. The challenge is to explore how to make schools and students have to work hard. And Chile has not found a way to do one or the other.
How can
encourage student effort?

debiesen use is more tests at the individual level. For example, take the score to have a result Simce individually. PSU also further refined. The only way for students to strive is to perceive that their performance is important.

How to solve the high segregation of the country?

is very difficult. It could limit or implement explicit selection lottery and limit the ability of colleges to choose their pupils by the prices charged to attorneys and exams. Almost anywhere, it is difficult to decrease the selection, because it affects the legitimate interests of many people.

Other measures the government will be the increase in Simce test. More measurements require the system to improve?

Better information is usually better, although not always generate the expected consequences.

In this regard, how do you evaluate the extent of sending parents a school primer with red, yellow and green?

I think parents are interested in these maps. But the light does not say anything about how effective are the schools. One of the problems of the education system in Chile is that culture is like the light: which school is good and what is bad is almost determined by the socio-economic, and that reduces the effectiveness of competition. That is the paradox of Chile: strong competition was inserted without generating more added value.

"This culture existed before the maps?

do not think the ministry, to produce these maps, and invent something new. The culture of the semaphore already existed: it was the Simce and we knew that socioeconomic characteristics are closely related to performance. The maps are not surprising information to anyone. Post maps does not improve education or creates pressure to raise the efficiency of the system. On the contrary, it reinforces the culture that says the company is good to have good shoppers.

You mean we have over 20 years in the culture of light?

Yes, like 30 years. Education is a sector that has a natural tendency to stratification, and explain, for example, the rankings.

Any other country has done so much for education reform?

Many countries have increased spending as Chile. But where Chile is only to introduce more market reforms many with so few results and even more adverse effects such as stratification. And is the country that shows that competition alone does not improve education.

His vision of the high schools of excellence
The creation of 25 high schools of excellence Can have an impact on the quality of the system?

The downside of this initiative is to deepen the selection, so do not think it has an impact on the average productivity of the system. These schools will have good results almost by definition, but I think it creates pressure to achieve high added value. Furthermore, students can choose to stigmatize those who are left behind.

And enter these schools could be an incentive for students?

That is the good side: they can be an incentive for children to strive to enter the country. But are not the panacea. A more interesting is, after selecting students who will to these schools (for merit and drawing) randomized. Then, see who does it better.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Have Changed My Pc Sid And

so cute that day!

thinking about the title ... I realized that may not have something specific to tell ... just that ... so cute that day!! Why? because it was the birthday and was very nice, today was a beautiful day, the sun shone, rested, and now I'm going to eat sushi that I love ... what else I can ask? here are some photos of two challenges ... this I did for the challenge of scrapideas Marcia has a beautiful prize!! and has some very nice!!

and as always son we are doing things ... and they also want!! francisco that's how my 7 year old son did this thing, I gave the FORMIT and was accommodating ... wrote his journaling .... and not corrected the mistakes so that is what comes out of his heart without censorship. It was also mihija .. but put it on your blog and alone .... I love watching them grow their memories and expressing what they feel ...

This What I did for another challenge ... that of girls Gigly and Patri scrapattacks doing wonderful things and propose these challenges are always an encouragement!!

well I hope you like it! I show you stuff the next Birthday!! that estuvo buenisimo!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What Is A Brazilion Wax

another challenge

hola a todos!!!! un nuevo reto para participar!!!! es en el blog de marcia de scrapideas no dejen de participar,es hasta el 25 asi que hay que apurarse!!!! es tentador porque tiene unos materiales muy lindos!!!!!nos encontramos alli!!!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Birthday Cake Template Motorbike

challenge prize!!

hola a todas!!!! este es un reto organizado por el blog scrap attacks Gigly y Patri ,dos personas de lo más agradables que tuve el gusto de conocer....el sábado pasado fui a una crop con ellas, junto con Vale, mi hija y la pasamos rebien!!!!espero tener suerte y salir sorteada!!!! las chicas trabajan muy bien y tienen unos materiales divinos!!!!!acá is the ma I made the trip to mardel .... hope you like ....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Paint Chart For Berga

Brief History the concept of carbon footprint in international trade

From "Vulnerability Bulletin on International Trade versus Carbon Footprint - Vol 2 No. 1" ( page)

carbon footprint does not have a standardized scope . Therefore, the methodologies vary in their consideration of different greenhouse gases (some only measure CO2, while others can measure the six greenhouse gases), and in consideration of direct and indirect emissions in the cycle of product life. The scope of overall carbon footprint includes direct emissions, such as fuel used in the production and distribution of products. However, there are major differences in indirect emissions, such as those relating to: the electricity consumed by the facilities, supplies, waste, employee flights on business, transport and consumer use.

Growing concern about the measures that consider the "carbon content" of products that can be internationally agreed and adopted at national level to address climate change mitigation, have generated interest in further analysis appropriateness of using the carbon footprint of international trade. In particular, the concept of "carbon space" questions why the developing countries, which are responsible for less than 15% of historical carbon emissions and emit much less per capita than developed countries (in some cases just go to issue 2% of U.S. per capita emissions) should incur excessive costs for labeling or have reduced international demand for their products if found to be higher in carbon intensity.

Latin America and the Caribbean is a region with a particular interest in carbon footprint due to its array of export which relies heavily on environmentally sensitive products, and therefore would be affected by the measures to be taken to discriminate against products based on their carbon footprint. It is also an area particularly vulnerable to climate change, sharing an interest in contributing to an agreement which could pave the way towards a low carbon economy.

The concept of carbon footprint is not yet part of international negotiations, but several countries have adopted or are considering measures that take into account or require information about the carbon footprint of a product. Also, are also growing in importance voluntary labels that identify the carbon footprint of a product.

Current debates address many aspects of measuring carbon footprint, including consideration of the responsibility of consumers (usually outside assessments of the carbon footprint), the scope of greenhouse gases to be included in the assessment and the scope of the analysis of product life cycle. Image from

here (I recommend the article on page)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ebay Mens Cock Bikinis

Punta de Choros, Society and Latin Bitman

definitely what happened with the case of power plant of Barrancones is historic in more ways than one. You can get many lessons from what happened. However I want to hold on the government's decision to create "a committee composed of National Property, Environment, Energy and Mining (...) to define a" macro-zoning "of the country and give the President" (Source ) .

is clear that this is the right way if we want to preserve places of high biodiversity value not only natural, but tourism value, and that if Chile wants to leap from the minor leagues to become a developed country should gradually leave to exploit their resources and learn to look at long-term damage. For this development should seek alternatives that are not only sustainable, but to give work to people. Today in the news some people in La Higuera, where it was to install the thermo GDF Suez group, they were angry because the company would invest resources from the project would give a "better quality of life." Sure, if you do not even have a decent way to access the village. Experts agree that poverty and lack of opportunity created a fertile soil on which foreign or domestic firms can carry out their projects sustainable bit, because people feel they have a chance to progress. They can not see a future because they are concerned now.

is noted that the decision is political, but that's just an edge, because what are the values \u200b\u200bbehind it is a way to see our development, a way of how we fit into the world and in nature. No one can say only that the institutions fail because, in spite of obeying the law, the company GDF Suez could not complete your project. The laws are to order our lives in society, to help us live, but if it is the law that prevails over the interests of the population then we have a sneaky form of dictatorship. We elect our leaders not only because they have good ideas or because we have the same values, but because we hope that our voice heard. Here the institutional failure is not about the company is about people, that only through a movement is able to reverse decisions against the interests of the majority.

is why institutionalism in Chile should be open to people and their interests, as for example the call for greater participation in the System of Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA). The new law failed to incorporate this. You expect the government to make a society that is not heard. Shout louder or subject. It is clear that the way things are, the last thing that will happen is a surrender. Therefore, the decision to "direct" the territory should not only come from above and one must consult the community about the type of development they want. In addition, you should invest in such development appears, therefore Store is not the same as neglect, as happens today in Chile. Business opportunities exist in all fields, the issue is to have the sites identified, because if a community living from fishing and tourism and then install a thermoelectric plant or a dam, then we are faced with a conflict that has no solution except by way of sacrificing one of the two markets. Which should prevail? Why? These are some of the questions we must ask ourselves today.

may take time to scream and not always people will be heard. In this sense, the environmental movement and education are among the most relevant that Chile has had in its recent democratic history. This decade before the bicentennial of the nation shows that we are no longer the same company and I am proud.

The state is slow to adapt to a rapidly changing society, but must work, because the cost if it does it will be infinitely greater than it is paying now for a decision, although controversial, is what the Chilean society wanted. If we all throw in the same direction and pull through, leaving no one on the road. Image Source

People Image Source

Sunday, August 22, 2010

90s Leotards For Sale

a special mini !!!!!

hello friends!! I'm a little lost because not enough time for everything ... but I can not do ... but less than you'd like!! this is a very special mini ... it did for Mrs. Sandra Mihanovich ... a great person, who is godmother to the foundation ..... I had two reasons, one .... thanks for the great contribution made to the foundation ... a foundation finaer involved in my brother who is a doctor and are dedicated to research and care for her kidney disease ... organized a beautiful show here a few days ago in La Plata in honor Marilina Ros and aid of the Foundation!! and second thanks for filling in my teens and many songs of love .... thanks!!
I tell you this in a box with the same fibrofacil unplug the mini cover .... and has a special structure ... to open the lid the first page opens to the right and below to the left and are envelopes with cards per sheet .... I am very cute ... and full of love .... I hope you like it ... greetings to all !!!!! and I welcome your comments!!