Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Coupon For Resolve Herpes

ALFAJOR Provinciana ARGENTINO (recipe)


Also known as
cousin of
Alfajor Santafesino ,
this giant gingerbread
(which has nothing to do with the typical alfajor eaten in Spain)
is one of the typical Argentine desserts.
crispy layers of dough together
with delicious caramel
and a creamy Swiss meringue covered.

is a my favorite candy and
while giving a little work to do,
worth it!


• 500 grams of flour
• 1 pinch of salt
• 10 buds
• 2 eggs • 2 tbsp
anise liqueur (or rum, alcohol fine ..)
• 1 tablespoon butter or lard refined
• 1 kilo of fresh milk (see recipe HERE )
• 3 egg whites Swiss Meringue (see recipe HERE ) Chocolate
coverage (amount required)

Sift flour with salt and place on the bench form a volcano.
placed in the center the yolks, eggs, alcohol and soft butter or mous using a cornet.

energetic Knead until it is tender and soft to tacto.La let dough rest for 20 minutes, covered with film temperature and

this time we divide the dough into 12 rolls of approximately 70 grams each.
discs drawing is 22 cm in diameter, pi Nchama with a fork and place on clean plates.
Bake at 190 degrees until just golden, all discs, one at a time and the d mAiNsTrEaMhunter cool.
We put the cake smearing the disks with the dulce de leche and superimposing

Decorate with Swiss meringue and chocolate threads.

And Glup!

tell me as I have done!

Saudi Algeciras!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cute Hip Star Tattoos

SWISS MERINGUE (basic recipe)


is known for its creaminess and body
very pleasing to the palate and the eye

can be colored

pastry torch burning

used with pastry

ideal for decorating cakes,
cakes and cupcakes
without being heavy buttercream.

has a lifespan of up to 7 days
(inside the fridge)
without altering their appearance and tend to get off.

• 150 grams of clear
• 320 g sugar
• A few drops of lemon juice.

1) We let whites metal bowl and sugar
2) We took a double boiler and mix constantly until it reaches 65 degrees.
3) We remove from the heat, we add the lemon juice, and whisk until cool and consistent peaks form.

If we do not have a thermometer that will do is go playing merengue and when we no longer feel the sugar crystals, that is the point at which the withdraw heat
... or end up as a scrambled egg whites and sugar lol!

delight Until next time ...
The Mariana Cakes

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Does Threptin Cause Weight Gain

ROSE CUPCAKES (recipe and step by step)


This week I received a gift of flowers sisters ... you know! Susan and Mariló!

I have sent a cream topping plant to try and experience ...
and I already told them everything I test!
as to be readily ...
but I start with the impossible ...
that say ...
not to go!


Until now believed that this type of roses
were achieved with glass or a topping wilton ...
of these very charitable ...
but life surprises you girl!
This topping passed the test and see the result ...
If they look real!

I tell you the advantages we found:
  • Primerissimo and foremost, I ride until you have the desired texture (at first appears cream unassembled) and stay there!
never be low, even if I freeze,
it again defrosting
or leave at room temperature ...
remain immune to everything!
(to mount must be very cold)
  • Second As tastes totally neutral, you can flavor with spices, cocoa, citrus zest, etc. . ..
and goes with all kinds of cakes, cupcakes, cakes ...
  • Third is super easy to work with manga,
not melt in the heat of the hand
(as with the butter cream or ganache)
... work well from start to finish!

  • Fourth accepted colors beautifully, achieving from soft pastels to very strong and striking ...

That is economic and yield a lot! Sale
almost the same as a kilo of butter
(girls Flores marketed to 4.49 euros a liter)
and when it mounts its volume doubled!

Here's the recipe:

(para aproximadamente 18 muffins)

  • 175 gr de mantequilla
  • 170 gr de azùcar
  • 2 huevos medianos
  • 50 cc de ron
  • 1 gotas de aroma de naranja (o ralladura)
  • 220 gr de harina bizcochona
  • 30 gr de cacao sin azúcar (Valor)


Beat butter, at room temperature, together with the sugar until it looks Cream.
We'll incorporate the eggs, one at a time and room temperature, stirring constantly.
rum and perfumed with the aroma (or zest)
Sift flour, cocoa and incorporated into the mixture.
Mix until smooth.
We put in a bag of buns ... if those women! of those cheapie! those who bought at 100 for 1 euro in Lidl that I told you!

Look! For me it easier to fill them
(... those are the times that I think women should have been born with 3 arms but good !...) I do is put the bag into something cylindrical (type glass of the mixer)
and there the filling of a spatula valiéndome rubber ... in one hand as I pull the pasta bowl with the other spatula ... I need the third to have the bag ready! jejejejeje

Then I make a hole and filling the capsule bag of muffins, that you previously placed into a special tray of muffins
(I will tell here in salted CUPCAKES recipe (which I have published HERE) that does not put the muffins into molds containing metal is deformed when cooked!)
and baked!
Preheat to 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

We took them out and let cool, then recessed with this gadget you see in the photo, which I bought in Eroski a while ago ... said it served to get the stub to tomatoes ... I found my ideal for my muffins!

and stuffed with a classic chocolate ganache HERE find an easy way to do it.

deco For aromatic, about one cup of the cream topping plant, with a few drops of orange concentrated aroma
(which can get 39 Jomas )
and color with some yellow coloring and no orange
of Fleibor.

and after assembling the sleeve with a petal nozzle
(gift of Maria José de Jormos 39).
A sleeve I made, using a brush, a dye Fleibor orange line.
Thus I succeeded in tracing each petal, to give the most natural feel of

the color of the leaves topping with a little green leaf Wilton (which I like because it is very green that I love green!)

and tip sheet made with pastry, also gift María José de Jormos 39.

nozzles can distinguish the pastry cakes in size.
nozzles pastries are great and are used without an adapter (no!), Are worth both metallic and plastic and obtained similar results.
of The pastries are small, requires adapter and I prefer metal and numbered numbering Wilton (original or second brands if they are of good quality). Both the
can get at specialty stores (Jorm Dulces La Casita de las Flores, etc), but for the past is important to invest some money and suspicious of very cheap as they could damage or complicate a job ...
the Ikea?
... not recommended!
have a terrible welder, irregular uffff!
Nothing at all to please!

and that's it for today ...

That ssiiiiii!
What should I keep the Argentine provincial Alfajor
(or cake Rogel)
... the same I've been promising for a while when I got the input of dulce de leche and today I took field day Mariló and Susan ...

already the upload!
I have to edit the pictures!!
Saluditos from Algecirasssss! Mariana