Sunday, March 13, 2011

Catchy Names For Consignment Shop



We start from a ball of dough skin color
(skin color to achieve sufficient to add a small amount of dye orange, pink and ivory)
Making a dividing half of the ball, so the front of the cheek

With a roll mark the eye socket

We turn the ball of dough and a hook started modeling tool that will make the neck (Smoothing the edges with your fingertip)

Once the neck well defined return to work the eye socket with a modeling tool hook
and beginning to define what will be the bridge of her nose.

Using the same modeling tool we continue to work and defining the nose always
softening with the yolk fingers.

Working mouth the same way that the mouth of Minnie
(see modeling Minnie head here )
to keep scoring after traits.

color between color and we must always allow to dry the dye very well!


Based on two black models dumplings shoes. First
refine one end and then letting it roll to make a shoe sole To use a modeling tool knife

from a roll of gray mass that split the middle (3 / 4 part) by cutting with a knife modeling tool , then smooth the edges, make folds, bends and botamanga.
We hit all the pieces, we went through with a skewer stick and let dry.

With a white dumpling model the torso and legs and put on dry.
With two equal coils will model the spleen white pulp and put the body side gluing with edible glue.
We'll add details such as collars, pockets, etc ...

the same way we model legs and shoes of his grandfather, the grandmother's will

recessed for the torso a ball of dough slightly tuned to the opposite extreme, and place it on the legs and dry.

With a little gum paste pasting extended blouse will make edible glue (or a little water) and placing as the photo shows

and leave to dry ...

And now, if !
Les put their heads ..
looking with love
and about to give her a kiss!

And presto!
are encouraged and then tell me!
Saluditos from Algeciras


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