Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Balsa Wood Fishing Wire Bridge

COOKIES MINNIE AND MICKEY (recipe and step by step)


These cookies accompanied the

Minnie Cake Alejandra birthday

Do you remember?

I tell you the recipe for the cookie dough I borrowed a blog that I have conquered.
happens that the recipe I always, my dear master baker Osvaldo Gross (teacher among teachers) do not have the same result here than in Argentina.
if ... changing tastes ... the flour is different, the butter too ... it is logical that the result does not change ... and convince me, so I resigned and started to jump from one recipe to another, until I blog Julia ,
a Madrid, addicted to sweets like me, who does wonderful cookies:
After trying her recipe for cookies, not the exchange.
Soft, delicious and delicate.
You melt in your mouth.
My little Lola has become addicted to them!
every morning asks "Mommy Do you have cookies?"

I made some small changes to the original recipe
(almost imperceptible)
to suit my kitchen,
but I can not deny that cookies remain Julia


  • 250 g unsalted butter at room temperature
  • 175 grs sifted powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla aroma
  • few drops of lemon scent
  • few drops of orange flavoring
  • 550 g flour sifted common
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 medium egg and 1 egg yolk at room temperature
IMPORTANT: For the butter is at room temperature we will draw last night the refrigerator if it is winter. In half an hour before sufficient summer.
is important to cut into small cubes of equal size so that the temperature is uniform throughout the butter.

First we will beat the butter one to turn it into a cream. If you use an electric mixer (Kitchen Aids, Krups or whatever) the work with the paddles beating at medium speed (we can do it by hand with a rubber spatula or wooden spoon as a beater hand we can be very heavy work. If you spend the time required, the result will be the same) .
rather homogeneous When you add the sugar and continue beating until bleaching.

test I use regular sugar instead of glass, and although the work very hard to undo the grain of sugar, the result was not good, the texture was completely different.
look at the difference
The first is made with powdered sugar, the second with sugar. It shows in the texture of grains of sugar to the naked eye, and also to eat

Then we add the yolks first and we will beat well until it is fully integrated , then the egg and continue working to fully integrate (either by hand or machine)

When the cream is homogenous, add flavorings as we work the dough vigorously.

For such masses is very important that they are fully integrated into the wet ingredients before adding the dry.

When you add the flour previously sifted with salt, will be a single blow and will work with your hands, only joining but without kneading dough
is not pizza!
we do not want to work the gluten flour
or cookies will become deformed and hard.

Once we form the bun
(yeah! seems impossible to arrive to join but you will see that if) divide the dough into three equal pieces and stretch each of the parties between roles baking

then stack on a platter and put them into fridge to cool for 2 hours.
The ideal thickness is 6 mm.
I use the Wilton roll with yellow rings, but is also valid get two pieces of wood and stretch the dough by rolling the roller over them. We must find ways to be more practical and that you are well uniform in thickness.

After about two hours, will we get the dough from the refrigerator and cut the
cookies with cookie cutters chosen

carefully positioning cookies on a clean plate
(with high fat content that have, will not stick)

and again the cool for 15 minutes in the refrigerator and then begin to bake
180 degrees until you notice
n cooked but not brown.
mass remains will unite again, stretched between baking paper and over 15 minutes in the fridge, and so end up with all the trimmings of dough.

How do I realize what's the point? As the biscuits have a high content of butter, and well placed in the oven, melt butter and crackers will be very bright. When you become opaque again but still whitish will put a knife or spatula underneath, if you tend to twist is that they lack, if we can raise them because they are a little browned underneath, is that they are ready.
time is approximately 10 minutes, but depe nde the oven and the size of the cookies. The
remove from the oven, let cool on rack and resting until Next dì face being too fragile for decoration.
are delicious!

used fondant to decorate cloud, taking advantage
easy color stains black.
I cut the pieces with the same cookie cutters and gluing them with a little condensed milk.
moles simply cut them with the peak of a plain nozzle.
That's it!
They liked the proposal today?
Saluditos from Algeciras


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