Friday, March 25, 2011

Age Of Empires 1 Nocd


El paraíso capitalista.
Por Gabriel Wüldenmar.
A finales de 2010 se supo (La Gaceta, 21-11-10, p 29) que al menos 17 millones de hogares estadounidenses (15% de la población) tenían dificultad para comprar alimentos en 2009 y necesitaron recurrir a los cupones gubernamentales (food stamps, cartillas de racionamiento), a la caridad o a los bancos de alimentos para mantenerse. Las autoridades federales confirmaron que era una cifra record desde que en 1995 se empezó a contabilizar este dato por parte del USDA (Departamenteo de Agricultura de USA).
En 2010, la situación era aun peor: ya eran 50 millones de estadounidenses los que estaban in this situation, one in four. Milk, eggs and bread had become luxury items for 10 million people (mostly single mothers with small children) and forecasts of the federal authorities is that prices will rise even more in 2011. 21% of U.S. children in 2010 lived below the poverty line, the highest percentage in the last 20 years. 20 million American children only receive food through the Programs of breakfast and lunch in schools ", according to Ross Fraser of Feeding America, an NGO that distributes food.
The Russian professor Igor Panarin had for years predicting that USA would become in an impoverished naciuón the XXI s "the dollar is no longer safe and the country's debt has grown in the 80 to over 11 billion dollars", which will lead to the U.S. "to the collapse." Meanwhile, the upper classes USA squandered on luxuries absurd and insulting and the government spends billions of dollars on weapons and wars in the service of those elites. That's capitalism.
also be seen in Spain, for example on how to upload services. Many of these increases are symptoms of corruption. For example, the electricity between 2002 and January 2011, has risen by 56.7% (a 33.72% in the last three years), which, in the midst of crisis is a real problem for English families and SMEs, who see the tax rise, gas, lower pensions disappear for the unemployed (5 million), etc.
capitalists make a killing with the general misery, and given slaps to buy the shares of electricity companies. Suspiciously, who authorized the political power these increases - former presidents, former ministers and exalted political positions of the two major parties - just go to the boards of these companies and financial groups that support them. So everything is at home. The faults are of the PSOE (authorizing such increases) and the PP who made the Electricity Industry Act 54/1997 that allows these abuses. Fortunately
people are mobilized, and a single one-hour break energy made by the will of the people to protest the price increases for electricity cost nearly a million euros. That is the right way to defend against capitalist greed and to help the planet to recover.


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